Calming Boost Boosts Libido Prevention

Native to the Himalayas, spikenard (Nardostachys jatamansi)was traded along the ancient spice routes into the Holy Land. In fact, the Bible relates that Mary Magdalene anointed Jesus’ feet with its aromatic oil. Why? Perhaps because she knew it could induce a hypnotic sense of peace. Scientifically speaking, Mary Magdalene was on the right track. Spikenard lengthens the time that the brain chemical GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid), a natural relaxant, circulates through your system....

January 6, 2023 · 1 min · 212 words · Kevin Fontenot

Can You Pray Yourself Thin Prevention

“I was up there speaking about other bodily sins, and the whole time I had gravy dripping down my chin,” said Reynolds, now 55. “That’s called being a hypocrite.” In order to ensure he’d be around to see his grandchildren, Reynolds turned to the Bible—“the greatest health book in the world”—and found the word, body, printed 179 times. He quickly nixed the ice cream habit, started exercising, and accidentally developed Bod4God, a faith-based weight loss program responsible for over 17,000 pounds lost within the Capital Baptist community alone, including over 100 of his own....

January 6, 2023 · 5 min · 1057 words · Rose Hernandez

Cancer Heart Disease And Low Fat Diets Prevention

January 6, 2023 · 0 min · 0 words · Elmer Stone

Cancer Tomatoes And Lypocene Prevention

When scientists at Ohio State University made two batches of sauce–one with tangerine tomatoes and one with red Roma (plum) tomatoes–they found that people absorbed about 2 1/2 times as much lycopene from the orange-hued dish. The cancer-fighting lycopene in tangerine tomatoes may be more fat soluble, which eases absorption. Prefer to stick with reds? Heat them so you get more lycopene. 5: Number of hours it takes for tomatoes to boost blood lycopene levels....

January 6, 2023 · 1 min · 80 words · Melissa Miller

Cancer And Vitamin E Prevention

January 6, 2023 · 0 min · 0 words · Sandra Rummler

Chocolate And Your Heart Prevention

January 6, 2023 · 0 min · 0 words · Trevor Schroeder

Computer Games At Work Shown To Improve Mental Well Being Prevention

More from Fox: New Alzheimer’s Drug Looks Promising “When we follow employees using the program, we see improvements in their management of anxiety, depression and stress, and we also see gains in productivity,” said Behar. In an outcome study they conducted at Nationwide Insurance, which is using the software, they found an 8% improvement in productivity, 7% decrease in absenteeism and 10% gains in stress management and emotional resilience, Behar said....

January 6, 2023 · 2 min · 254 words · Kory Conerly

Concealer Makeup Tips From Bobbi Brown Prevention

Though the concealer formulas have taken quantum leaps, concealers should still be used judiciously; features like freckles, moles, and laugh lines shouldn’t be covered—they’re beautiful and make you you. What should you hide and how do you conceal it like a pro? Read on for concealer makeup tips to become a master of disguise. (Get A Free Trial of Prevention + 12 Free Gifts.) Undereye CirclesWhat to use:How-to:10 best anti-aging eye creams for every budget To counteract the blue, choose a yellow-based concealer....

January 6, 2023 · 3 min · 548 words · Jeanine White

Conditions That Affect Your Iq Prevention

Could a bout of the sniffles make you stupid? According to a new study published in the journal , infections or related immune responses could have a negative effect on a person’s IQ. But don’t worry about your Mensa membership at the first sign of sinusitis; it’s the more serious infections that have the capacity to lower IQ. Researchers from Aarhus University in Denmark found that people who endured infections that required hospital stays scored 1....

January 6, 2023 · 4 min · 642 words · Cary Padgett

Connecticut And Gmo Labeling Prevention

“It’s a huge victory for the GMO-labeling movement and for consumers,” says Rebecca Spector, West Coast director for the nonprofit Center for Food Safety, which is actively involved in pushing for GMO-labeling legislation. “States have been trying to do this for several years,” she adds, but are often outfoxed by big biotech firms that don’t want labels to go through. The most expensive effort to date was against California’s Proposition 37, a ballot initiative that was voted down in November 2012 after big food and biotech corporations spent a collective $40 million to defeat it....

January 6, 2023 · 3 min · 437 words · Anna Adkisson

Cook Once Eat All Week Turkey Drumsticks

January 6, 2023 · 0 min · 0 words · Guadalupe Morgret

Cosmetic Chemist Ni Kita Wilson Shares Natural Beauty Tips Prevention

My beauty sleep pillow case. Traditionally, African American women wrap up their hair at night to prevent breakage and preserve your hairstyle, but it can take away from the sexy factor at night. Branche Beauty sleep silk pillowcase helped me put the beauty back in beauty sleep! I tossed the scarf and that is beautiful! More from Prevention: Overnight Beauty Tricks Seeing my daughters grow. My girls are beautiful young ladies (inside and out) and knowing that I had something to do with that makes me feel beautiful....

January 6, 2023 · 1 min · 171 words · Michelle Cassell

Daily Soda Linked To 22 Higher Type 2 Diabetes Risk Prevention

A new study published in Diabetologia found some pretty scary stats about the sweet stuff. Researchers from Imperial College London analyzed the beverage habits of more than 300,000 participants in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition, rounding up a huge sample of people from the UK, Germany, Denmark, Italy, Spain, Sweden, France, and the Netherlands. Researchers focused on sugar-sweetened beverages, juices, and artificially sweetened beverages. The results? Drinking just one daily 12-ounce serving of a sugar-sweetened soft drink—one can—was linked to a 22% increased risk of type 2 diabetes....

January 6, 2023 · 1 min · 206 words · Ralph Edwardson

Defuse Anxiety Suppress Depression Prevention

Researchers at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign surveyed 179 healthy men and women, asking them how they regulated their emotions and how anxious they were. Participants tended to respond to situations in one of two ways: through reappraisal—that is, looking at a problem in a positive new way with a glass-half-full perspective—or by suppression, where a person hides his emotions and behaves totally neutrally. Everyone uses both sometimes, of course....

January 6, 2023 · 3 min · 528 words · Sandra Knight

Diabetes Blood Glucose And Insulin Prevention

January 6, 2023 · 0 min · 0 words · Bruce Reed

Diabetes Prevention Healthy Diabetes Diet Foods Prevention

While it’s certainly important to limit no-no ingredients (like white, refined breads and pastas and fried, fatty, processed foods), it’s just as crucial to pay attention to what you should eat. We suggest you start here. Numerous nutrition and diabetes experts singled out these power foods because 1) they’re packed with the four healthy nutrients (fiber, omega-3s, calcium, and vitamin D) that make up our Diabetes DTOUR Diet, and 2) they’re exceptionally versatile, so you can use them in recipes, as add-ons to meals, or stand-alone snacks....

January 6, 2023 · 8 min · 1575 words · Margie Cancel

Dietary Supplements Heart Health And More Prevention

For Everyone: Fish Oil The Research: Talk about a heartfelt endorsement: “The only dietary supplement consistently shown in randomized clinical trials to work against cardiac death is fish oil,” says Dariush Mozaffarian, MD, DrPH, assistant professor of cardiology and epidemiology at Harvard Medical School and Harvard School of Public Health. Omega-3 fatty acids (eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid, more commonly known as EPA and DHA) found in salmon, tuna, and other fish appear to increase heart health and fight cardiac death by stabilizing the heart’s electrical system....

January 6, 2023 · 7 min · 1378 words · Geneva Sanders

Divorce New Occupational Hazard Prevention

[sidebar]It’s not as simple as more single people = more mate shopping = more business-trip mischief = more…well, overtime. “When divorce is common, its social and psychological costs seem lower,” says Aberg, a research fellow in sociology at England’s Oxford University. While just-divorced women and men may both unwittingly serve as role models, newly single guys seem to be the biggest threat to wedded bliss. “They may have a stronger destabilizing effect,” she notes....

January 6, 2023 · 1 min · 99 words · Quentin Bruce

Dog Health Why Is My Dog Coughing Prevention

Make sure your veterinarian performs a thorough physical exam on your dog. The next step usually involves taking x-rays of the neck and chest. Blood tests help identify infections, heartworm disease, and any organ system problems. Some common causes of coughing and gagging include foreign objects in the airway, bronchitis, bacterial pneumonia, heart disease, laryngeal paralysis, fungal infections, reflux esophagitis (similar to heartburn in people), food allergies, parasites, tumors, and other diseases....

January 6, 2023 · 1 min · 120 words · Douglas Ramey

Dr Sanjay Gupta On Killer Headaches Prevention

A: Lots of people routinely get headaches. However, if you get what doctors call a thunderclap headache—a severe, sudden headache that’s different from anything you’ve ever felt before—get it checked out immediately. Killer headache isn’t a medical term, but most often people use it to mean one caused when a cerebral aneurysm—a weak place in a brain artery—ruptures, spilling blood into the brain. This causes inflammation and increases the pressure inside your skull, causing a headache that comes on very quickly—usually peaking within 60 seconds—and very intensely....

January 6, 2023 · 2 min · 366 words · Bryan White