“Superfruit” Words like “superfood” and “superfruit” are 99% spin and 1% science. As far as we’re concerned, every whole plant food is a nutrient-packed superfood (even iceberg lettuce). And isn’t it time we knocked acai and kale down a peg?  “Low Fat” Candy This claim is splashed loud and proud on gummy treats and fruits snacks. But in the candy aisle, “low fat” is usually code for “pure sugar.” Kind of a lousy “upgrade.” (What else are you falling for? Take a look at these 19 foods that aren’t food.) “Vegetarian Fed” EggsWashington Post Sure, it sounds nice that your egg-laying chickens are pecking at a plant-based died. But chickens are omnivores, not vegetarians (they love to eat bugs, believe it or not). And the reports that chickens on an all-veggie diet can actually miss out on important nutrients and get sick.  “Low Glycemic Index” Glycemic Index (GI) is a measurement of how much a food raises your blood sugar, and supposedly, lower is better. But some super-unhealthy foods (like pound cake and soda) have a lower GI than many super-healthy foods (like watermelon, which is packed with lycopene). That makes a lot of sense.  “Gluten Free” on non-grain products7 reasons why you’re probably wasting your time We’ve seen the GF claim on everything from dried cranberries to vodka to haircuts—products that don’t have any gluten to begin with. Chalk this claim up to meaningless white noise. (Have you gone gluten free? Here are .) “Cholesterol Free” The new dietary guidelines say that cholesterol is “no longer a nutrient of concern for overconsumption.” Why? About 80% of the cholesterol in your bloodstream is made by the liver, whereas only 20% comes from dietary sources. Don’t sweat eating foods with cholesterol—and don’t pay more for products that boast about being “cholesterol-free.”  “0 Grams Trans Fat Per Serving"partially hydrogenated oils This claim is often misleading. If a product contains 0.5 grams trans fat or less per serving, the FDA says it’s okay for manufacturers to round down to zero on the label. But the WHO says you should eat no more than 2 grams of this artery clogging fat per day—a limit you could easily hit by eating only “trans fat free” foods. Luckily, the ingredients list can’t lie: If you see any , leave it on the shelf. (Looking to lose weight? Check out these 8 foods with a big weight loss secret.)  “12 Grain” You could stuff every grain in the world into a single loaf of bread—but if they’re not whole grains, they’re not worth your time. Dense multigrain breads are often packed with sugar, too. Check the ingredients list for only whole grain flours and make sure there’s less than 2 grams of sugar per slice.  “Made With Sea Salt” It’s a complete myth that sea salt is healthier than table salt. Both varieties have essentially the same amount sodium. Plus, table salt supplies iodine, a nutrient that’s necessary for thyroid health—and sea salt doesn’t. Choose sea salt if you like the coarse texture, not because it’s “healthier” or more “natural.” MORE: 10 Most Addictive Foods In The World “High Antioxidant Activity” More BS. The test manufacturers use to determine antioxidant activity—the ORAC—has “no relevance” to human health, according to the USDA. Just because a food gets a high ORAC score in a test tube, doesn’t mean it’ll act the same way in your body.