Nothing beats a cup of hot cocoa when the weather outside is frightful. But rather than sip the same-old sweet drink, boost the flavor—and even the health benefits—with these genius mix-ins. Add: Cayenne Not only will adding a pinch of this spice give your hot chocolate a kick, it will also help increase your internal body temperature, revving your metabolism and helping you burn a few extra calories, says Jamila René Lepore, MS, RDN, a nutritionist in Tampa, FL. Add: Cinnamon  Photo by Olga Miltsova/Getty Images When Gale Maleskey, RD, a dietitian in Bethlehem, PA, makes hot cocoa, she whisks in ⅛ teaspoon of cinnamon per cup. “Research shows this spice helps to reduce insulin resistance and improve blood sugar sensitivity,” she says. Plus, it gives a sweet, warm flavor that enhances the taste of chocolate, adds Amy Riolo, a chef and cookbook author in Washington, DC. Add: Cardamom and ClovesLike the taste of chai? Add ⅛ teaspoon each of these spices to your next cup of cocoa for an herbal flavor that also gives you a health boost, says Riolo. “Both cardamom and cloves have been used in Indian cuisine for centuries as antiseptics, which can be very useful at fighting the common cold and flu.” (Check out the 9 best ways not to get a cold or flu this season.) Add: Coffee Need a mid-afternoon boost? Mochas are a coffee shop favorite, and while it might not occur to you to make one at home, it’s as easy as spiking your cup of cocoa with a shot of espresso or a dash of coffee. “It adds a hint of nuttiness and complexity to the flavor,” says cookbook author Dina Cheney, whose new book, Mug Meals, comes out this spring. MORE: The Healthiest Way To Drink Your Coffee Add: Mint  Photo by Marta Greber/Getty Images There’s a reason mint-chocolate chip ice cream is such a crowd-pleaser: The two flavors are a match made in culinary heaven, says Sharon Palmer, RD, a dietitian in Los Angeles and author of Plant-Powered for Life. Make a mint concentrate by brewing 1 cup of fresh mint leaves (or 2 mint tea bags) in ½ cup boiling water. Once they steep, discard the mint leaves or tea bags, and then blend the brew into your hot chocolate in place of some of the liquid. A simpler alternative is adding a drop or two of pure peppermint oil or extract to your mug of cocoa. Bonus: Mint has been shown to fight indigestion. Add: Coconut Oil First this wonder-fat found its way into coffee thanks to its energizing, filling, and fat-blasting effects. Now, it’s time to add a tablespoon into hot chocolate, says Deborah Levy, MS, RD, a dietitian in New York City. “It adds a delicious, sweet flavor, plus gives you a dose of medium chain fatty acids, which increase your metabolic rate and are known to help lower heart disease risk,” she says.   Add: Dark ChocolateKati Mora, MS, RD, a dietitian in Mount Pleasant, MI, likes to drop a small square of extra-dark chocolate (look for 70% or higher cacao content) into her cup of hot cocoa. “It gives you an even richer chocolate flavor and adds health-promoting antioxidants and polyphenols,” she says. Add: Almond Butter For a quick hit of protein—not to mention a delicious nutty flavor that pairs perfectly with chocolate—add a teaspoon of organic almond butter to your hot chocolate saucepan and whisk until fully melted and incorporated. “Almond butter is also an excellent source of monounsaturated fats, which will help you stay fuller for longer,” says Jessica Sepel, a nutritionist in Los Angeles. Add: Vanilla With 36 aromatic compounds, vanilla does more than add a little extra sweetness to hot chocolate, says Alexandra Jamieson, a certified holistic health counselor and co-creator of the documentary Super Size Me. “Vanilla is a powerful antioxidant, and has a comforting, calming scent,” she says. Add ½ teaspoon per cup. Add: Orange Extract or Zest Photo by Lena Sergeeva/Getty Images This citrus fruit actually brings out the sweetness in chocolate and at the same time its acidity helps to balance the richness, says Cheney. Add ⅛ teaspoon of extract or the zest of half an orange, per cup. MORE: 7 Healthy Citrus Fruit Recipes Add: White Chocolate Liqueur Go ahead and spike the grown-ups’ cups with 1 tablespoon white chocolate liqueur, says Kathy Sidell, founder and owner of the Met Restaurant Group in Boston. To really make it gourmet, toast some mini marshmallows and add a handful to each cup, and whip your own cream. Add: Mozzarella Cheese"Who doesn’t love cheese and chocolate?" asks Martin Gonzalez, a chef in San Diego. It may sound crazy, but he loves adding 4 to 5 pieces of cubed mild white cheese (mozzarella and Monterrey jack work best) to a cup of hot cocoa and serving it with toasted challah bread. “Together, they’re the perfect flavor combo. Just be sure to let the cheese linger in the cocoa for 5 minutes so the flavors fully integrate and the cheese has time to melt.”
 Add: Lavender At Maman café and bakery in New York City, chef Armand Arnal infuses milk with dried lavender, letting it steep for 15 minutes before straining and adding melted dark chocolate. “In addition to adding a surprising flavor boost, lavender also helps fight bloating,” he says. “Plus, the herb has a wonderfully calming scent that can ease restlessness, insomnia, nervousness and depression.”  MORE: 10 Ideas For Spiced Party Nuts