Get steamy. Steaming your face is admittedly an old-fashioned remedy, but there’s a reason women have been doing it for centuries. Instead of just using hot water and a towel, drop an herbal laxative (Swiss Kris is the classic) into your water before you put it on to boil. The herbs help “open” your pores, and the steam is great for relieving stuffed-up sinuses, too.Enzyme time. Enzyme cleansers and masks are perfect for sensitized skin because they don’t dry skin out or rough it up the way traditional acids and scrubs do. There are a lot of different enzymes that work (papain, bromelian), but look for a product that has fruit enzymes as its active ingredient.Fuller up. For the gentlest and most simple clay mask around, use fuller’s earth. It’s basically just dirt, but the stuff has been a medicinal staple for centuries because it contains higher than average amounts of magnesium, which attracts water (helping hydrate skin), and acts as an anti-inflammatory.