The Fastest Way to Sculpt Workout Complaint: “It seemed clean when I visited, but now I’m grossed out.” Why it’s a problem Wearing shower shoes in the locker room isn’t going to protect your entire body from germs lingering on equipment if your gym doesn’t have an adequate scrubdown protocol. Unclean equipment—especially those you spend a lot of time on, like yoga mats—can become a breeding ground for skin infections ranging from athletes’ foot to herpes and MRSA, according to a 2010 position statement from the National Athletic Trainers’ Association.  What you can do now If you like everything about the gym but the unexpected filth, don’t assume it can’t be fixed. “Remember, the janitors aren’t navigating the gym in the same way you are, using the water fountains, picking up the resistance bands, and sitting on the machines,” says Ben Greenfield, a certified strength and conditioning coach based in Spokane, WA. So talk to the general manager, who has the power to ratchet up the cleaning. “But give him some sugar first,” recommends New York City based personal trainer Jeff Teta.  Tell him what you love about the gym, then about the sanitation problem. “If you go in with guns loaded you’ll probably wind up with an 800 number to call,” says Teta. In the meantime, B.Y.O. yoga or Pilates mat (the borrowed ones can transmit athletes foot and plantar warts via barefoot contact) and scrub it thoroughly with antibacterial soap after your session to avoid germs. Next time Do a water fountain check before you join. If it’s clean—no discoloration on the basin or gunk clogging the drain—that’s a good indicator, says Greenfield. Complaint:“My favorite treadmill/elliptical trainer/weight machine is broken.” Why it’s a problem You’re paying a monthly gym membership because you want access to everything the gym has to offer, and shoddy equipment wasn’t part of the deal. What you can do now It’s fair to expect equipment to be fixed within seven to 10 days, or as few as 24 hours for a big gym with a technician on staff, according to Greenfield. Remind the owner or manager it’s broken by sharing with them that you planned to use the equipment for your workout, and then ask if it can be bumped up the priority list. “It’s costly to do things like fix treadmill belts and fix the cables on a weight machine,” says Greenfield, so make sure the staff knows it’s affecting your routine and experience. Next time In addition to carefully checking the equipment you use regularly before you sign on the dotted line, Greenfield suggests taking a good look at the layout of the entire gym. “If it’s well organized into logical activity areas that shows that the owners are aware of how people work out.” And don’t be afraid to chat up existing members when you try out the gym, for example, asking the woman on the next machine over how long she’s been a member and if she’s ever had problems with broken equipment. New Treadmill Workouts “It’s so crowded I can’t get a workout in edgewise.” Why it’s a problem You spend too much time waiting in line to use popular cardio equipment and your fellow gymgoers are a little too close for comfort in group exercise classes. What you can do now If you’re trying to work out at gym “prime time” (6 to 8 a.m. and p.m.) crowds are the name of the game. “Find out if there’s an empty group fitness room you can take a set of weights into,” suggests Nicole Clancy, 20-year veteran fitness pro and founder of Better yet, if you can shuffle around your schedule to work out at lunch or during an off-peak time, you should be able to use the equipment you want right away. Next time Do a dress rehearsal: Visit a prospective gym a few times during the hours you expect to work out to get a feel for the company. Most gyms offer between three-day and three-week trial periods. If they don’t, just can ask for it. How to Work Out in a Crowded Gym Complaint: “The location near me closed.” Why it’s a problem If this hasn’t happened to you, then it might seem like no big deal. Just find a new gym, right? Not so fast. According to complaints on websites like, gyms have been known to simply bump your membership to another location—often miles away—and keep on charging you. What you can do now Send a certified letter stating that you are cancelling your membership. The certified letter clause appears in many health club contracts (you know, the one you assumed was fine before giving it your John Hancock). “If I got a letter, fax, verbal or e-mail cancellation—anything but a certified letter—it went in the trash unrecognized,” says one former gym manager. Next time Provide a credit card for payment, says Katherine Hutt of the Council of Better Business Bureaus. “You can dispute charges on a credit card more effectively than you can with debit,” she says. Complaint: “I’m getting nickled and dimed.” Why it’s a problem Sure, you’re down with the membership fee. And it was great when they gave you a couple trial personal trainer sessions to get started. But all of a sudden you’re paying additional fees for those desirable “extras” your gym offers: like Zumba, yoga, Spinning…head spinning much? What you can do now Sit down and prioritize your fitness. “If you enjoy yoga, then that’s the class you pay for,” says Clancy. “Some gyms are charging for classes and programs now to underwrite costs for qualified professionally trained instructors—totally worth the additional charge!” But if you’re not into these services and classes, there’s no reason for you to pay additional fees. And while you’re at it, bring your own towels and water if they’re charging for those. Your gym bag is your domain. Next time Ask directly about extra fees for classes, and check the contract for policies on personal training. If it’s so bad that you’re re-thinking your membership within the first week, know that most clubs provide (and some states require) a “cooling-off period” of three to five days in which you can still get out of your contract. Complaint: “The instructors are too busy checking out their own form to correct mine.” Why it’s a problem If your yoga instructor spends more time looking in the mirror at her downward dog to vet yours, you could be risking injury—never mind not getting what you’re paying for. What you can do now The fitness manager is usually the person to look for in order to register a complaint. If it’s the personal trainers that aren’t up to snuff, ask whether independent trainers are allowed in the gym. If your gym allows it, you can hire a great trainer from outside the facility. Next time Ask about trainer certifications before you sign up. ACE, ACSM, NSCA, and NASM are the four most reputable ones, says Greenfield. And don’t be afraid to ask the trainer directly. “If they’re good, they’ll be pretty proud of what they’ve accomplished. If they shy away, chances are they’re not as certified as they should be,” he says.