So, I move. When I find myself slouching or I’m told I’m slouching. It motivates me to move more. I wake up. I stretch my body on my yoga mat. I bend my back over my exercise ball. I move. I think about how I want to be walking around in my nineties. I want grace and sass in my step. I want to still be on my bike and on my yoga mat. The only thing preventing that from happening would be me sitting on the couch more than getting up and moving my body. I see my mom as a role model in some ways, a role model on how not to be physically. It’s too late for my parents to get into any kind of routine.  My dad’s daily exercise involves bringing out the garbage and walking the aisles at the grocery store, and his illness will prevent that from happening soon. My mom does weight lifting - well, of her own body when she transports herself to/from the wheelchair. The need for movement as we age is not news, but for some people it is.  I was happy to see a campaign to guide our aging selves toward fit exercise and physical activity - DAILY.  It’s called Go4Life. According to their website, “Exercise and physical activity rates among older people are surprisingly low. Only about 30% of people ages 45 to 64 say they engage in regular leisure-time physical activity. This falls to 25% of those between the ages of 65 and 74 and 11% of people age 85 and older. Experts recommend 4 types of exercise for older adults: endurance, balance, strength and flexibility. Brisk walking, dancing and other endurance exercises improve the health of your heart, lungs and circulatory system.” As I get older, I find that I am leaning more toward chill-axing, and that’s all good. However, there are busy days ahead as I age gracefully.  I’m keeping my bones strong, my body moving and my slouch slight!