Sorry, allergy sufferers: Experts are confirming that the 2013 allergy season is going to start sooner, and last longer, in most parts of the country. The season is expected to occur about two weeks earlier in many parts of the US, and will likely endure for about an extra month—right through October. Why? Because of heavy precipitation levels this past winter, along with the rapid surge of warmer weather that’s followed, says allergy specialist Clifford Massett, MD, clinical assistant professor of medicine at the New York University School of Medicine and Langone Medical Center. And then there’s climate change: Higher-than-normal carbon dioxide emissions are fueling pollen production, experts suspect, causing plants to produce three to five times more pollen than usual. “Not only is the pollen more prolific,” Dr. Bassett says, “but it seems to be more powerful, supercharged.” Combine that with a heavy dose of precipitation over the winter, and you’ve got the ingredients for a majorly unpleasant allergy season. If you’re hoping to skate through the season relatively unscathed, consider these recommendations from Dr. Bassett on diagnosing and managing those sniffly, sneezy symptoms: Get a diagnosis. To determine whether you’ve got seasonal allergies, and how severe they are, start by visiting to take a free screening test. But before starting any type of treatment, get your allergies confirmed by your doctor—otherwise, you may end up treating the wrong condition.  Treat early. If you use nasal antihistamines, steroids, oral antihistamines, or eye drops for seasonal allergies, don’t wait until your symptoms are unbearable to start treatment. “If you see an allergist and get tested, the doctor can quickly individualize treatment” Dr. Bassett notes. Be in the know. Make a habit of checking allergen levels in your area. Go to the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology’s National Allergy Bureau for up-to-date pollen counts—you can even sign up for email alerts or download a smartphone app that tracks pollen counts. Accessorize appropriately. Wear oversized sunglasses to block airborne pollens, and opt for a wide-brimmed hat to keep pollen and other allergens from landing in your hair or eyes. Look for diet triggers. As many as one-third of seasonal allergy sufferers experience unpleasant reactions from certain foods as a result of their condition. For instance, oral allergy syndrome (tingling of the mouth or itchy throat) may set in after eating fresh fruits, carrots, celery, almonds, or hazelnuts. If you experience these symptoms, avoid the trigger foods during allergy season. Questions? Comments? Contact Prevention’s News Team.