After studying the effectiveness—and safety—of routine annual vaccinations, experts from two national veterinary associations issued extra guidelines in 2004 on which vaccines should be given to cats and dogs, and how often. Their conclusion: Not all vaccines need to be given every year (though owners should continue to keep their pet’s annual checkup) because most animals do not require them. What’s more, in cats, repeated booster shots can cause severe reactions and in some cases cancer.  The recommendations say that after your puppy or kitten receives her initial series of vaccinations and her appropriate booster, she may only need vaccinations to protect against highly infectious diseases such as distemper and rabies every 3 years. “Vaccines remain the single most important preventive medicine that we have available to protect pets,” says Ronald Schultz, PhD, a veterinary immunologist at the University of Wisconsin who served on the two national vaccine task forces created by the American Animal Hospital Association and the American Academy of Feline Practitioners. “It’s the frequency with which we deliver this protection that should be addressed. What we’re advocating is to vaccinate more cats and dogs, especially when they are young, and then vaccinate each animal less often against major diseases as they become adults.” The schedule for some vaccines, such as those designed to protect against Lyme disease, bordetella (kennel cough), or feline leukemia virus (FeLV), should still be on an as-needed basis. Discuss this with your vet, taking into account variables such as where you live, your pet’s health and age, and her contact with other animals. For example, if you live in a wooded or tick-prone area, you’ll want to consider the vaccine for tick-borne Lyme disease. And if your pet spends time at a boarding kennel, in doggy day care, at the grooming salon, or just plain socializing with other animals, think about getting the bordetella vaccine for your dog or the FeLV vaccine for your cat.[pagebreak]

Maximize a vaccine’s effect

You can maximize the effectiveness of vaccines and possibly enable your kitten or pup to get fewer shots later in life by making sure she receives her initial round of shots at the proper age (6 to 8 weeks for puppies and 6 to 9 weeks for kittens). Young pets lack mature immune systems and need the greatest protection, says John Ellis, DVM, professor of veterinary microbiology at the University of Saskatchewan’s Western College of Veterinary Medicine. Most vaccines require repeat injections over a period of time and then boosters once your pet is more than a year old. If you’re unsure whether your pet really needs a booster, your vet can run a blood test (called a titer) that will determine how much protection remains from her last vaccination. This will cost about $75, depending on where you live, and she may still need the vaccination—an additional $50 to $150. Experts also recommend that you maintain yearly health checkups. “Just because we’re advocating fewer vaccines doesn’t mean that people should stop bringing their pets to see their veterinarian at least once a year,” says Schultz. “Annual exams are important because health conditions such as cancer, skin diseases, or heart disease can be caught early and addressed before they worsen.”

Signs of an adverse reaction

If your pet shows any of these signs within a day or two after being vaccinated, report them to your veterinarian: 

Minor feverCrankiness, expressed as biting or growlingLoss of appetiteLethargyRedness or swelling around the injection site 

Also consult your veterinarian if a lump on your cat persists for more than 3 months after a feline leukemia or rabies vaccination; it could be a sign of vaccine-associated cancer. PET VACCINATION SCHEDULE: KITTEN Source: The American Academy of Feline Practioners PET VACCINATION SCHEDULE: PUPPY Source: The American Animal Hospital Association