The research: Researchers at The University of Texas at Austin examined data on alcohol consumption among more than 400 adults ages 55 to 65, and then tracked the death certificates among participants for 20 years. They found that the risk of death for those who binge drank—defined as consuming four or more drinks on a single occasion for women, and five or more drinks for men—was more than two times greater than those who drank the same amount over the course of a week.  What it means: “Heavy episodic drinking concentrates alcohol’s toxicity, damages your body’s organs, and makes accidents more likely,” says study author Charles Holahan, PhD. All of these factors increase your risk of death. Binge drinking may be additionally risky for older adults due to age-related health issues such as high blood pressure and diabetes as well as medication use, which can cause harmful interactions with excess alcohol, Dr. Holahan says.  The bottom line: Binge drinking is dangerous at any age, but it may be especially harmful if you’re age 55 or older. If you drink, try to stick to moderate-drinking guidelines of no more than one drink per day for women and two drinks per day for men. Consuming more than four drinks during the course of an evening is considered binge drinking and could put your life on the line. More from Prevention: 6 Sneaky Signs You Drink Too Much