MORE: 10 Things Podiatrists Wish Everyone Knew About Their Feet

Blister Treatment

Here’s how experts recommend you handle the discomfort of blisters.

Make A Decision

Once you develop a blister, you either have to protect it and leave it alone, or pop it and drain the fluid. “I think it depends on the size of the blister,” says Suzanne Tanner, MD. “A purist will probably tell you not to prick it, because then you don’t run any risk of infection. But for most people that’s just not very practical.” While purists do indeed exist, most experts agree that it’s best to drain large, painful blisters and any likely to break on their own. If you pop the blister yourself, you decide how and when. Leave smaller, painless blisters intact.

Make A Moleskin Doughnut

If you decide not to drain the blister, one blister treatment is to cut a moleskin pad into a doughnut shape and place it over the blister. “The blister can sit in the open center,” says Tanner. The surrounding moleskin will absorb most of the shock and friction of everyday activity. As long as the skin is clean and dry, the sticky moleskin will adhere.

Be Wise And Sterilize

If you choose to drain a blister, first clean it and the surrounding skin, and sterilize the needle you’ll use to puncture it. “Sterilize the needle by heating with a match for a few seconds (let it cool) or washing it with antiseptic lotion,” Donadio says. “Then pierce the blister and allow the plasma to release,” she says. Wash the blister several times a day with antiseptic lotion, and press a piece of folded gauze on the spot where the plasma emerged, she says. MORE: 5 Simple Ways To Never Get Another Blister

Keep The Roof On

Leave the skin on the blister—the part that’s worn loose. Think of the top of a blister as nature’s bandage, says Audrey Kunin, MD.

Or Even Add On An Artificial Roof

Randy Wexler, MD, enthusiastically recommends over-the-counter blister covers. “They actually work quite well,” he says.

Dress A Broken Blister

If a blister pops by accident, wash it with soap and water and apply a triple antibiotic ointment such as Neosporin. Keep the dressing simple. After you’ve treated the blister, keep it covered and protected while it heals. You might reach for gauze pads and special bandages, but there’s a much simpler approach. “My first choice is an adhesive bandage,” says Richard M. Cowin, DPM. Gauze pads, however, are recommended for blisters that are just too big to cover with an adhesive bandage. Keep them in place with waterproof adhesive tape. Whatever bandage you choose, change it once a day. MORE: 10 Things Your Feet Say About Your Health

Use A Second Skin For A Second Wind

If you’ve treated and covered your blister and want to get back to your active lifestyle, try Spenco 2nd Skin dressing, a spongy material that absorbs pressure and reduces friction against blisters and surrounding skin.

Give It Some Air

Remove the dressing at bedtime to let the blister air. “Air and water are very good for healing,” says Cowin, “so soaking it in water and keeping it open to the air at night is helpful.” MORE: 5 Reasons Your Feet Hurt—And Solutions That’ll Have You Walking Comfortably In No Time

Change Wet Dressings

If a dressing becomes wet, it should be replaced. Change it often if your feet perspire heavily or if an activity leads to a sweaty or damp dressing.

Treat It With Preparation

If your blister is itching and burning, use a little of the hemorrhoid-relieving cream Preparation H. The cream will not only ease the discomfort of a blister but also add a protective coating.

Use A Sea Salt Solution

To mimic the healing properties of ocean water, Janet Maccaro, PhD, CNC, suggests the following compress for blisters: Combine 1/8 cup ice water with 1/4 cup sea salt. “Apply the mixture to a damp washcloth and wrap it around the blister for 1 hour,” she says. MORE: 5 Ways To Prevent Your Feet From Smelling

Smear It With Aloe

Turns out aloe vera gel is as good for blisters as it is for burns. Apply some pure aloe gel directly from the plant onto your blister and cover it with an adhesive bandage or gauze pad. Stay away from commercial aloe products, however—some of them contain alcohol, which can have a drying effect. (Here are 10 things you can do with aloe vera.)

Dry It With Mouthwash

The classic breath freshener Listerine doubles as a blister treatment. Moisten a cotton ball with Listerine and dab it on your blister three times a day until the area “dries out” and no longer hurts, Maccaro says. MORE: 10 Surprising Home Remedies You Already Own

Prevent Infection

If your blister is raw and oozing pus, cover it with an antibiotic ointment such as Neosporin a few times a day to prevent infection, says Kunin.

Two Socks Are Better Than One

If you’re prone to blisters, you may want to double up on your socks for extra protection. In preparation for a long walk or hike, put on two pairs of socks to reduce the chance of any friction. The inner pair should be made from a thinner, wicking material like acrylic or silk, and the outer socks should be made of cotton. MORE: Your 10 Biggest Walking Pains, Solved

Blister Prevention

Prevention is always the best option, so here’s how to keep blisters from developing.

Try A Heel Lift

Blisters form on the back of the foot when your shoe’s heel counter hits in the wrong place, says Cowin. The fix is quite simple. “All you usually have to do is add a heel lift,” he says. MORE: 3 Simple Fixes For Foot Pain

Keep Your Socks On

As a general rule, avoid sock-free fashions. “The people who don’t wear socks suffer blisters on the back of their heel all the time,” Cowin says. He recommends that those who want to flash some ankle without suffering the consequences invest in “low-cut socks that only go around the foot area.”

Deodorize Your Feet

Dry feet are less likely to develop blisters than moist ones. One way to keep feet dry is to rub on antiperspirant once a day.

Shop For Shoes In The PM

Your feet swell during the course of a day, so if you buy shoes in the morning, they may be too small. To make sure your new shoes are roomy enough, shop after lunch. And make sure you have plenty of toe space; when you’re standing up, you should have a thumb-width of space between the end of the shoe and your longest toe. MORE: 10 Best Walking Shoes

Treat Your Feet To Treated Insoles

Chemically treated insoles can prevent blisters on the bottom of the foot. Spenco makes a version that is highly recommended. The best insoles have “bubbled-in nitrogen,” add some cushioning, and help the foot glide over the bottom of the shoe to prevent sticking, a cause of blisters, says Cowin.

Beware Tube Socks

While tube socks, those unformed heelless wonders you can slip into without thinking, can be tempting to wear, it’s best to avoid them. “I personally don’t believe in tube socks,” says Cowin. “I don’t think they ever fit properly. You need a regular, fitted sock to help prevent blisters.”

When To Call A Doctor

Head to the doctor if your blister is very large (more than 2 inches across) or possibly infected. Symptoms of infection include persistent pain, fever, yellow crusting, oozing pus, and redness that extends beyond the edge of the blister. If you have a condition that causes blisters, such as eczema, chicken pox, or impetigo, a trip to the doctor is also in order.

Panel Of Advisors

Richard M. Cowin, DPM,  is a podiatric surgeon and director of advanced foot surgery in Lady Lake, Florida, and a diplomate of the American Board of Podiatric Surgery and the American Board of Ambulatory Foot Surgery. Georgianna Donadio, PhD, is director of the National Institute of Whole Health, a holistic certification program for medical professionals. Audrey Kunin, MD, is a cosmetic dermatologist in Kansas City, Missouri, the founder of the dermatology education website DERMADoctor, and the author of The DermaDoctor SkinStruction Manual. Janet Maccaro, PhD, CNC, is a holistic nutritionist and certified nutrition consultant in Scottsdale, Arizona, president of Dr. Janet’s Balanced by Nature Products, and author of Natural Health Remedies. Suzanne Tanner, MD, is an orthopedic surgeon specializing in sports medicine in La Crosse, Wisconsin. Randy Wexler, MD, is an assistant professor in the department of family medicine at Ohio State University Medical Center in Columbus.