Prevent Back Pain

Before you go: Ship your luggage to your destination in advance. Save time—and your spine—by going to and scheduling a pickup. Your bags can be delivered within 24 hours in the United States. Added perk: On most trips you can include your liquid toiletries without worrying about them being confiscated from your carry-on. (If you send your stuff a few days ahead, the rate will be less expensive—as low as $1.65 per pound for domestic shipping.)   En route: Get out of your seat every hour to stretch your legs and walk around the cabin, suggests Arya Nick Shamie, MD, assistant professor of spine surgery at UCLA. Angle overhead vents away from you: Cool air can stiffen your neck and shoulder muscles, says Steven Conway, DC, spokesman for the American Chiropractic Association.   On arrival: If you end up with a too-soft hotel bed, ask if someone can slide a board under the mattress for more support, says Dr. Shamie. “Hotels may have orthopedic pillows for people who ask for them,” he adds.

Soothe Your Stomach

Before you go: Take the right probiotics—healthy bacteria found in food or supplements—which may help reduce gas, bloating, and diarrhea. A study in the British Medical Journal found that people taking certain probiotics had fewer diarrhea symptoms after 3 days than those who didn’t take them. Get your dose in pill form, Dr. Lamm suggests. “One capsule of the brand Culturelle has about 10 times more probiotics than fortified foods.” Start popping supplements a few days before your trip.   En route: Bring along some activated charcoal tablets that you can swallow before takeoff to help absorb gas. All that gum chewing and candy sucking you do to relieve pressure in your ears may cause “jet bloat,” and the higher the altitude, the more the gas in your body expands.   On arrival: Drink plenty of water and consume about 25 g of fiber daily to keep things running smoothly. Experts say that the fiber found in wheat and oat brans is better at relieving constipation than fiber from fruits and veggies.

Beat Jet Lag

Before you go: Pack melatonin supplements. Your body produces melatonin on its own, but if you’re traveling, your internal clock may get thrown off. In a study from the journal Sleep, researchers found that people who took as little as 0.3 mg of melatonin got about a half hour more snooze time.   En route: Reset your watch to the destination’s time as soon as you board the plane, says Lamm—and if you’re scheduled to arrive in the morning, try to sleep during the flight. If necessary, talk with your doctor about a prescription sleep aid, such as Ambien.   On arrival: Traveling east is harder on the body, but it helps to get out in the sun in the morning. Bright light perks you up and allows your body to adjust to the new schedule, says Lamm. More from Prevention: 13 Must-Have Travel Beauty Products [pagebreak]

Fend Off Weight Gain

Before you go: Skip flats or sandals—lack of arch support can lead to heel pain and keep you sidelined. Instead, bring shoes with thick, well-cushioned soles. Visit the American Academy of Podiatric Sports Medicine’s website for a list of recommended brands.   En route: Drink a glass of water before you stop at the food court or accept the free cookies on the plane, says Joanne Lichten, PhD, RD, author of How to Stay Healthy & Fit on the Road. Because you’re prone to dehydration when traveling, your craving may pass once you quench your thirst.   On arrival: Get acquainted with a city by seeing it on foot. At certain Hilton hotels, you can request a treadmill in your room. And at some Westin hotels, Pilates videos, dumbbells, and core-training equipment are available for room workouts. 

Fight Off New Germs

Before you go: “Everyone over age 50 should get the flu vaccine,” says David Goldberg, MD, editor in chief of in Scarsdale, NY. “And it’s an especially good idea for travelers.” To see if there’s a flu outbreak where you’re headed, visit (Questions about the flu shot? See three common myths busted with The Flu Shot Gives You The Flu.)   En route: Avoid coffee and sip some warm green or black tea with lemon, recommends Murray Grossan, MD, an ear, nose, and throat doctor in Los Angeles. It’s especially high in helpful antioxidants. Plus, it keeps you hydrated: A study published in the Journal of Environmental Health Research found that dry airplane air increases your risk of getting a case of the sniffles. A thin layer of mucus in your nose and throat normally flushes out bacteria and viruses, but when air is dry, this lining gets parched, leaving you vulnerable to infection. Nasal sprays and gels, such as Breathe.ease XL Nasal Moisturizing Gel, can also help.   On arrival: Wash your hands frequently. Recently, researchers from the University of Virginia Health System found that hotel rooms were teeming with germs. It’s hard to avoid cold viruses on remote controls and light switches–so send them down the drain before they ruin your good time.

3 Healthy Travel Sites

Where to click for info on vaccinations, emergency contacts, and more: 

Visit the CDC’s travel page to see what vaccines you need, and for travel notices and other worldwide health tips. If you’re headed overseas, register with the State Department so you can be reached in case of an emergency. Should you need a doc while vacationing abroad, go to the website of the US embassy or consulate for the country you’re in.

More from Prevention: Healthy Ways To Travel With Your Pet