Q: My teeth are feeling extra sensitive lately. Anything I can do?–Kerri Pepka, Attleboro, MA A: Yes, there are several changes you can make, but reversing tooth sensitivity isn’t always a quick fix. As we age, tooth sensitivity develops for a variety of reasons, some more serious than others. One possible trigger: You recently switched to a new toothpaste or mouthwash or started using bleaching strips or another whitening product. These can be pretty abrasive, so if you’ve made a recent change here, switch back to your old brand and see if the sensitivity improves (check out these best toothpastes for your specific needs). You should also minimize your consumption of coffee (sorry!) and other acidic foods and drinks, like tomatoes, citrus fruits, juices, and soda. The acid in all of these wears away at tooth enamel and makes sensitivity worse. You don’t have to go cold turkey, though—try drinking some water or milk right after consuming any of these to rinse off the acidic residue left on your teeth. And although it might seem counterintuitive, don’t brush within 30 minutes of drinking your morning java—that’s when the acid level in your mouth is the highest and tooth enamel is most prone to damage, so brushing can do more harm than good. Another trick that my friend Clint Newman, DDS, suggests is to use a straw with all sodas, juices, and other acidic drinks. This helps keep the acid from landing directly on your teeth. If none of that does the trick, see your dentist to find out if your tooth sensitivity is caused by an underlying problem such as worn tooth enamel (especially common if you grind your teeth when you sleep), a cracked tooth, a cavity, or an exposed root. All of these need to be treated by a professional. Your dentist can prescribe a mouth guard, fill your cavity, apply sealant to worn enamel or exposed roots, or, in a more serious case, perform a root canal. TRAVIS STORK, MD, is an ER physician, cohost of TV’s The Doctors, and the author of The Lean Belly Prescription. Send your questions for Dr. Stork to askdrstork@prevention.com.