For each move, keep knees slightly bent. Using 2- to 5-pound dumbbells, do 3 sets of 8 to 12 reps, 3 times a week on nonconsecutive days. 

  1. SHOULDER SHRUGS Hold arms at sides, palms facing in. Keeping arms straight, pull shoulders up to ears, pause for a second, and lower.  MORE: If You Take Tylenol For Pain, You Need To Read This
  2. UPRIGHT ROWStart with palms in front of thighs and facing legs. Bend elbows out to sides, and pull weights up to about collarbone level. Pause, then lower.  
  3. REVERSE FLIESBend forward so chest faces floor, arms hanging down, palms in. With elbows slightly bent, squeeze shoulder blades and raise arms to sides, parallel to floor; pause, then lower. 

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