Check out Dr. Travis Stork’s tips on getting the healthier life you deserve: [sidebar]

You have more time for exercise than you think. “With society as sedentary as it is, it’s important to be walking. Even 10 minutes after every meal adds up to 30 minutes a day. I want people to enjoy walking and do it with their friends and family.”  There’s an activity out there you’ll love. “We’re genetically programmed to enjoy activities. I’d venture a guess there is some activity out there for all of us. For me it’s biking. Don’t stop until you find an activity you enjoy, commit to it, and just like everything, schedule it.”A crazy diet isn’t going to help you shed pounds. “When you want to lose weight, remember the easiest way to do it is to increase lean muscle mass in your body. Too often I see people who are starting to put weight on go on a really restrictive diet—but not enough people engage in resistance exercises to help them trim up. Resistance work is probably the best way over the long term to stay lean.” 

Find more ways to get moving this month, plus fitness tips, videos, and nutrition guides at  Order your copy of Dr. Travis Stork’s The Lean Belly Prescription today.