Paula’s Story

My husband and younger daughter have type 1 diabetes, so the combination of cooking healthy meals and chasing after my two girls while working as a research coordinator at Johns Hopkins University kept me at a healthy weight for years. Despite my mostly healthy lifestyle, my total cholesterol was 205 by the time I hit age 32, yet I wasn’t too concerned—my weight was under control at the time. High cholesterol runs in my family, so I chalked it up to bad genes. A few years later, as my daughters grew up, the pace of my life slowed down; I no longer got daily exercise from chasing them around. The result: weight gain. At my annual checkup just before I turned 39, I tried to bribe the nurse not to write my weight—then 181 pounds—on my chart. That same year, my total cholesterol hit 296—above 240 is considered high. I didn’t want to die of a stroke or heart attack before my 40th birthday. I knew it was time to do something, so my doctor put me on cholesterol medication.

Finding My Match

That same month, I started Weight Watchers. The plan emphasizes proper portion control, giving me easy ways to judge amounts. For example, your palm is about the size of 3 ounces of meat, fish, or poultry, and a serving of pasta or rice should be no bigger than your fist. I was able to drop 9 pounds in 3 months! (For more portion guidance, check out this handy chart.) Around that time, I had a project at work that stressed the importance of keeping records of health stats, including numbers such as cholesterol and weight, as well as dates of medical visits and personal comments on well-being. So I started keeping a health journal, kind of like the food journal we were taught to keep in Weight Watchers. I knew that exercise is important for keeping cholesterol in check, so I went to the gym at work a few times a week. I jogged on the treadmill and used the weight machines, but only halfheartedly—I found working out so boring. I couldn’t argue with the results, however: After 8 months of smarter eating and regular exercise, I dropped around 30 pounds and finally saw a positive change in my cholesterol—it was all the way down to 146! My doctor gave me the go-ahead to get off my medication that summer. After I reached my weight loss goal, I started working part-time at my local Weight Watchers center to stay motivated and prevent regaining. One of the leaders was rallying people to do a local 5-K (a 3.1-mile race). I laughed and thought, How could I do that? I’m not a runner! It’s funny how things work: A childhood friend—who has type 1 diabetes—was training for her first 5-K around that same time. I went to her race and watched her cross the finish line—she was so euphoric! My friend never considered herself a runner, and I was so inspired by her feat that I went straight from the race to my local athletic store and bought my first pair of running sneakers. 

Getting Fit as a Family

I convinced my two daughters, then ages 24 and 21, to train with me for a 5-K; it seemed like that would be more fun than doing it alone. It was their first race, too, so we used a 12-week beginner’s training plan that started with mostly walking and slowly eased us into longer bouts of running. Signing up for the event and having a race day as my deadline inspired me to stick to my training schedule—no more excuses! (Try this simple plan to train for your first 5K.) I was shocked to realize that I actually looked forward to my training days; being outdoors felt terrific. I was also spending more time with my daughters. We talked and laughed throughout our walks and runs. My older daughter had been living on her own for a few years, and, while we’re a tight-knit family and see each other often, it was nice to hang out on a more regular basis. We even shopped together for running clothes, which was a blast! Another bonus: Training for the 5-K continued to keep my cholesterol in check. Soon after I started training, I began to keep an exercise diary to track my mileage. There’s something about seeing your accomplishments—such as “I really did run 5 miles!"—in your own handwriting that gives you some ownership of those actions. Tracking my progress motivated me to push harder and reach goals that I once thought were impossible.

Message to My Daughters

It felt amazing when my older daughter and I crossed the finish line within a few minutes of each other. (Unfortunately, my younger daughter missed the race because of a minor car accident a few weeks prior.) There was a whole crew waiting at the finish with hugs and kisses. After that first race, I caught the running bug. I had so much energy and felt a sense of achievement. Last year I ran the New Jersey Half Marathon—all 13.1 miles!—to raise money for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, a cause close to my heart. My family traveled with me to cheer me on, which made it really fun. It was our first road trip together in 10 years! I’ll be the first to admit that I’m not a fast runner, and I’m definitely not going to win a beauty contest midrace. It’s tough, but I push through it. It’s not always easy or comfortable, but it’s what I love, and it’s keeping me healthy and happy. What I want my daughters to take away from my journey is this: While it’s great to help others and be a caregiver, you have to take care of yourself first. And that’s just what I did—I put my health first, and I was able to beat my bad genes.  


Ready for a fun, doable challenge? Slim down and get race-ready in 6 weeks with our beginner, intermediate, and pro training plans!