Okay, so maybe an appointment with your doctor will never be quite as exciting as a massage or a girl’s night out. But if you routinely dread visits to your MD, then it might be time to consider whether you and your doctor really mesh: Previous research has indicated, for instance, that an unfriendly doctor can actually increase our perception of pain. Plus, feeling uncomfortable during an appointment might mean you ask fewer questions, share less vital information, or don’t comply with your doctor’s directives. Now, a new survey has turned medical care into something of a matchmaking game, by parsing doctor personalities into five distinct categories. The survey, performed by Harris Interactive on behalf of Vitals.com (a website that matches patients with physicians), polled 2,319 adults about his or her personality, rapport with current doctors, and preferences in a health care provider.  “The key principle here is that one size doesn’t fit all,” says Todd Rosengart, MD, the chief medical officer at Vitals. “We know that a good relationship with a doctor is important for patient health and compliance, so we wanted to find out what makes it click.” So how can you score a dream doc? Consider which of these five personalities best describes you, and then shop around until you find the right physician. It can be a trying process, but Dr. Rosengart suggests scanning online doctor bios and patient reviews for a general sense of each doc’s persona and approach. Here’s what to look for: If you love having a plan. A trip to the doctor should mean no fuss, no mess, just medicine. If that sounds like your perspective, then you might have the most luck with “Dr. No Nonsense,” the survey suggests. Just don’t count on any hugs from this doc. “Bedside manner has nothing to do with Dr. No Nonsense,” the survey reads. “It’s all about efficiently, getting a precision diagnosis, and a plan of action.”  If you really like to talk. That annual physical feels less like an appointment, and more like a coffee date. If that’s your dream scenario, then book a visit with “Dr. Idealist,” according to the survey. These doctors tend to emphasize personal connection, and typically allow patients to chat at-length about their physical and emotional health. Such medical practices “may not have cutting edge technology or office management systems”—but their laidback environment will put you at ease. More from Prevention: The Doctor Mistake You’re Making If you need to feel safe. She’s more than your doctor—she was also your mother’s MD, and probably sees your kids as well. This kind of medical veteran, described by the survey as “Dr. Sage,” is preferred by patients who think that an ideal physician is one who knows patients (and their families) for decades. Veteran doctors tend to be more conservative in diagnosis and treatment, but their experience also lends vital gravitas to medical decisions.  If you’re a mind-body believer. Open up your medicine cabinet. If Advil and essential oils are sharing the same shelf, you’re probably best-suited for “Dr. Whole You,” according to the survey. Unlike other physician archetypes, this one doesn’t stick with conventional western medicine. Instead, he also advocates for complementary therapy and emphasizes the importance of emotional wellness. Take note: Female patients are four times more likely than men to opt for this archetype. If you’re hooked on your smartphone. Convinced that technology has an answer for everything? Then find an MD who agrees with you, by booking an appointment with “Dr. Digital.” He’ll have every tool at his disposal, from a tablet computer rather than a notepad to an online booking system rather than an old-fashioned secretary. Of course, you’ve gotta make some sacrifices if you want the latest gizmos: These doctors tend to have larger practices, which means shorter appointments and less of an emotional connection. More from Prevention: Is Your Doctor Hurting You? Questions? Comments? Contact Prevention’s News Team!

Follow her on Twitter: @katiedrumm Send news tips and positive vibes to: Katie.Drummond@rodale.com