The results: Participants lost an average of 8.4 pounds and close to 2 inches from the waist. But most impressive: Abdominal fat was reduced by 33%, as measured by MRI, and related health markers improved.   Total cholesterol dropped an average of 21 points, and levels of fasting insulin significantly declined. “This diet study is exceptional because few have used MRI to look at the effects of a particular diet on abdominal fat,” says David L. Katz, MD, director of the Yale Prevention Research Center. “It shows that the plan not only significantly reduces visceral fat but also lowers cholesterol, blood pressure, inflammation, and insulin resistance.   “There is no question that these changes are clinically and statistically significant,” adds Katz. “If the plan were sustained, these women would be at reduced risk of heart disease, diabetes, cancer, you name it. Basically, the diet kicked butt–or, perhaps more appropriately in this case, belly!”   After 28 days on the Flat Belly Diet, subjects showed an average of: 33% less abdominal fat 21 point reduction in total cholesterol 8.4 pounds lost 1.6 inches off the waist 9 point reduction in unhealthy LDL

“I did it to get energized”

Justina Lamell, 32 Virginia Beach, VA Lost: 55 pounds and 10 inches in 9 months I started getting heavy after my son and daughter, now ages 13 and 7, were born. Throw in a divorce and a stint of steroid treatments for a vocal cord injury, and I packed on the pounds. At 31, I weighed 240 and felt terrible. I couldn’t keep up with my kids, and I hated watching my clothing sizes creep up. That’s what finally triggered the change in me–I refused to buy a size 22.   Mary’s top tip: Have a fall-back food. When I have no time to cook, I’ll spread some peanut butter on a whole wheat English muffin and then top it with a cut-up banana–it’s easy and quick, and I don’t have to think.   Favorite MUFA Meal: Breakfast–especially oatmeal with half a banana, some frozen strawberries, and a tablespoon of chocolate chips

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