MORE: Avocado Quick Tip Eat it right out of the skin. Drizzle half an avocado with olive oil, sprinkle with sea salt, and add a squeeze of lime juice. Dig in with a spoon.Stir together a chip dip. Combine mashed avocado with goat cheese, salt, lime, and Tabasco. Scoop up the mix with potato chips or rice crackers.Wake up your breakfast. Make scrambled eggs and add diced avocado, a squeeze of lemon juice, crushed red-pepper flakes, and crumbled feta.Make a melt. Tuck avocado slices into a tuna melt with Cabrales cheese (or any blue cheese) and sliced tomato on rye toast. MORE: Make This Quick Avocado Salad Now The article “4 Creative Ways To Snack on Avocados” originally ran on