Researchers conducted a meta-analysis of existing fructose studies and found that it doesn’t seem to affect a person’s triglyceride levels, a type of fat found in your blood. Maintaining low levels of triglycerides is part of reducing the risk for cardiovascular disease. But before you reach for that second cookie, researchers also found eating too much fructose, which is typically found in baked goods, soft drinks, and honey, can seriously spike calories. Extra calories are converted to triglycerides in your body and stored as fat. This finding supports previous studies showing that fructose makes up about 10% of the average person’s daily caloric intake. So what’s the takeaway? Be smart about sugar. While limiting the obvious sugar-loaded culprits is a start—we’re looking at you, cupcakes—chances are, you’re taking in tons of hidden sugars without even knowing it. Check out these 16 sneaky sources of sugar you’re eating to see how to take back control. More from Prevention: 22 Simple Low-Sugar Swaps