Q: Are all “green” cleaners significantly better for me or the planet? Not necessarily, says Alexandra Gorman Scranton, director of science and research for Women’s Voices for the Environment. That’s because there is little federal regulation around using the term green or natural or even organic as a selling point, she explains: “As a result, a manufacturer may market cleaning products as healthier, while still using toxic chemicals, and it’s totally legal.” So while “green” cleaners may contain some healthier ingredients or be a little less toxic to the environment, without anyone regulating the term, companies can make misleading claims that are vague and unsubstantiated.  Q: Which products are good and which aren’t? Certain manufacturers and brands—such as ECOS, Method, Clorox Green Works, and SC Johnson’s Nature’s Source—are putting real muscle behind their green claims, says Stephen Ashkin, executive director of the Green Cleaning Network, a nonprofit that works to educate consumers and institutions about green cleaning. Some are replacing toxic surfactants—the chemicals that help separate dirt from a surface—with healthier, more biodegradable versions. Others are using fewer phthalates, compounds that are linked to reproductive problems and which are used to add fragrances to cleaning products. Some major agencies, such as the EPA, also set criteria and certify cleaning products as healthier. The EPA’s program, for example, called Design for the Environment (DfE), requires a scientific review team to screen each ingredient for health and environmental effects and will only label a product with a DfE certified logo if it contains ingredients that pose the least concern among chemicals in their class. Other independent certifying agencies, including Green Seal and EcoLogo, require products to be free of carcinogens and toxins linked to gene mutations, as well as meet certain environmental standards for biodegradability. Q: Do green cleaners work as well as traditional ones? Experts agree that most of them actually do. Plus, all three major certifying organizations—Green Seal, DfE, and EcoLogo—set performance standards too, which a product must meet in order to be certified. Some green cleaners can disinfect as well. The most common ingredients used in green sanitizing products are hydrogen peroxide, citric acid, and lactic acid, which are all considered safer antimicrobials. [pagebreak] Healthiest Home Cleaners DIY Cleaners can be the greenest option, says Scranton, because you can control the ingredients and make sure they’re nontoxic. Here’s what to use where: For cutting boards and countertops Use: Vinegar, nylon scrubbing pad, and water. That’s all you need to remove the bacterial film that even strong disinfectants have trouble penetrating, says Allen Rathey, president of the Healthy House institute. “Just make sure the water is hot—the heat helps dislodge the foodborne pathogens—and give it a good scrubbing to finish the job,” he says. run porous cutting boards or those with deep grooves through the dishwasher once a week; the moist heat can destroy lingering germs.   For toilets and bathtubs Use: Baking soda and vinegar. Sprinkle a generous amount of baking soda in your bowl or tub, and scrub with a brush. To eliminate germs or mold, spray a 10% vinegar/90% water solution on the surface of your toilet or bathtub, and let it sit for at least 30 minutes before rinsing with water. Stubborn stains may require a commercial cleaner, which can be toxic. if you use such products, open the window or turn on a fan to ventilate the room, and wear gloves as well as protective goggles or glasses to shield your eyes from fumes or splashes.

For mirrors and glass Use: Vinegar and water. Spray a solution of 10% vinegar/ 90% water and wipe with a clean cloth (preferably a microfiber one, available at such stores as Home Depot and Walmart) to remove oil films, dirt, and dust. Add a dab of dish soap for jobs on windows that involve removing heavy dirt.   For furniture Use: Microfiber cloth and water. To remove dust from surfaces, lightly dampen a microfiber cloth and wipe. if you want the surface to have a slight shine, follow up with a regular cloth dabbed with olive or pure lemon oil—don’t use microfiber with the oil. [header=Green Shopping Tips] How to shop green

  1. Avoid or at least minimize your use of products labeled with the words “warning,” “poison,” “flammable,” or “corrosive”—terms that suggest the use of harmful ingredients. 
  2. Look for green-certified logos on the label.
  3. Along with the EPA’s DfE label (which you’ll find on such brands as Seventh Generation, Earth Choice, and the Martha Stewart Clean product line), Green Seal logos can be found on many household cleaners, including Simoniz’s Green Scene, Simple Green’s Naturals line, and Sustainable Earth cleaners by Staples. in addition, ecologo supports such brands as EnviroCare and Nattura.
  4. Skip aerosol sprays. They often contain volatile organic compounds (vocs), which emit unhealthy gases into the air.
  5. Choose fragrance-free cleaners. Delivering a scent can take a bunch of chemicals—many of which can irritate skin or lungs and may be deemed toxic or hazardous by the EPA. More from Prevention: 11 Safest Nontoxic Cleaners