We’ve all done it. Someone calls out your name as you’re running errands and the moment you turn to reply, your mind goes completely blank. Nothing. Nada. Zilch. You couldn’t remember her name if your life depended on it, so you simply reply with a generic (and embarrassing), “Hey…you!” Here’s how to never let it happen again. Don’t stress.When you’re introduced to someone new, avoid thinking, “I’m terrible with names, I’m never going to remember this,” says memory trainer Jon Keith. Stress interferes with memory, so if you’re anxious, you’re going to have trouble cementing someone’s name into your brain. Observe your surroundings.When you meet someone new, take special note of your environment, from the wall color to the view outside the window. The reason: visual cues will help commit the people you meet to your long-term memory, says Keith. Listen closely. Photo by John Turner/Getty IMages “This sounds obvious, but I can’t tell you how many people don’t make sure they accurately hear someone’s entire name,” says Keith. Since you often meet new people in noisy environments, like at cocktail parties and in loud restaurants, it’s crucial to make sure you get it right. MORE: 2 Ridiculously Tasty Ways To Boost Your Memory Take a Z-scan.Keith recommends imagining drawing a “Z” over a new person’s face in your head. This will allow you to take note of her features, like bright blue eyes or a megawatt smile, helping you marry the association of her name to her face. Spell it out.Don’t worry if you don’t actually know the spelling of the name; this exercise is just one more visual cue to help you associate the person with her name. And if the name is difficult to spell, don’t be afraid to ask, says Gary Small, MD, director of the UCLA Longevity Center. “Even type it on your smartphone—anything that helps you see it in your mind’s eye.” Put it on repeat. Photo by Monkey Business Images Ltd./Getty Images Once someone gives you her name, instantly repeat it in a, “Nice to meet you, Jason” context. Then, as you continue to exchange pleasantries, find ways to slip their name into conversation several more times before she walks away, suggests Small. Have a partner in crime.Keep your significant other or friend nearby, and introduce him to the person you’ve just met. “Chances are, your new acquaintance will reintroduce herself, giving you an extra opportunity to hear her name and make the connection,” says Small. (This trick also works if you’ve already forgotten the name.) …But, what if it’s too late?If you run into someone whose name you’ve forgotten, start with an enthusiastic, “Hi, how are you?” Distract the conversation away from your brain fart by asking questions: What was their week like? What’s new at work? “Once you start talking, you may remember details about that person’s life, even if you don’t remember her name,” explains Small. And isn’t having a meaningful conversation the most important part? MORE: How To Prevent A Binge Before It Starts