Researchers asked 51 people to complete two exercises that measured their ability to identify and craft lies in social situations. The results? Being a good liar gave people about a 20 percent boost in being able to detect the lies of others, says study author Geoffrey Bird, PhD, a psychologist at the University of London. In other words, it really does seem to take one to know one when it comes to fibbers.  That’s good news for the BS-inclined, but what about the more honest among us? Here are five signs to look out for to keep from getting duped: 

  1. Inconsistent behavior Watch for sudden changes in gestures or speech patterns, says behavioral psychologist Marc Salem, PhD, author of Mind Games. If a typical slow talker suddenly becomes speedy, that’s a red flag.
  2. A too-steady gaze It’s natural for a person to break eye contact when thinking or listening intently. What’s not natural? When a person’s gaze is too constant, which means they’re either not paying attention—or deliberately trying to earn your trust. Both are signs of insincerity, Dr. Salem says. Does Everybody Lie? 
  3. Written tells An easy way to tell if that profile is too good to be true: Avoiding first-person pronouns—words like “I” or “my”—probably means Mr. Too-Good-To-Be-True is trying to distance himself from his untruths, says Catalina Toma, PhD, a communication science professor at the University of Wisconsin who researches dishonesty in online profiles. Short sentences lacking any elaboration are another sign of dishonesty, she says. 
  4. Mouth muffling Coughing, clearing the throat frequently, or any other gesture that involves covering the mouth can indicate a person is trying to hide something, says Dr. Salem. 
  5. A quick smile When a someone smiles genuinely, her eyes light up and her cheeks and eyebrows rise along with the corners of her mouth, says Dr. Salem. Real delight also takes a few seconds to fade. A fake smile, on the other hand, appears in an instant, and disappears just as quickly.   Also see: Confessions Of A Food Sneak, How To Read People, When It’s Okay To Lie To Your Kids