The number of different opinions out there is a bit dizzying. Some people think full-fat milk is healthiest; others vouch for skim. Some people believe protein from dairy is good for you; others say it’s a weak and potentially troublesome source. Some support drinking milk every day; others affirm that we don’t need it, and some even think it’s a drain on our environment and economy. So, rather than take a definitive stance about milk consumption, we’ve done our best to be honest about the discrepancies and the things research still can’t say for sure, while also pointing out some of the ways in which organic milk shines. Here’s what we do know about the advantages of organic milk—and why we still choose to support organic and pasture-raised dairies—and where the jury is still out. MORE: 7 Reasons You Need To Eat More Eggs Fact: Grass Feeding = Omega Fatty AcidsOrganically raised animals must graze on pasture for at least four months out of the year (the rest of the time, farmers may supplement with all-organic feed). Research shows that around one-third of a cow’s total food consumption for the year is taken in during this short time outdoors, and the highest concentration of some antioxidants can be found in natural forage. Time on pasture may also lead to a slightly more favorable balance of omega fatty acids in milk for humans. Conventional dairies, on the other hand, require no time on pasture. Many feed cows in lots with corn, grains, food concentrates, supplements, and even animal by-products. However, location and climate affect just how much time organic cows are able to graze. Cold weather, drought, and other environmental factors may mean that cows forage for the minimum four months. Warm climate cows, however, may be able to graze on pasture almost year-round. From the package alone, there is no way of knowing for sure how many glory days pasture-raised cows have had. More surprisingly, some conventional dairies also allow cows to graze on pasture, which means that regular milk’s omega content can be similar to that of organic milk. And the conventional dairies that supplement a cow’s diet with vitamins may come close to matching organic milk quality—this milk can contain the same amount of nutrients we’ve come to expect from organic, pasture-fed cows. The Takeaway: Search as one potential way to learn more about where your milk came from, and do independent research on farms to learn more about their grazing practices before you buy. Fact: No Growth Hormones = No AntibioticsConventional cows may be given the growth-producing hormone BGH (or its synthetic versions rBGH or rBST) to promote higher milk production. This can cause adverse health effects in cows, such as an increase in infections like mastitis, an inflammatory and potentially lethal mammary infection. Also, since conventional cows treated with BGH hormones are more likely to develop infection, they may be given antibiotics as a result or even as a preventative measure. According to work published by the National Academy of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, there is suspicion that these antibiotics could potentially lead to antibiotic failure or resistance in humans. Some studies have suggested that, though the growth hormones themselves are unlikely to survive milk pasteurization or human digestion, they may raise levels of an insulin growth compound called IGF-1 in people. According to the American Cancer Society, some studies showed a weak but possible link between even slightly elevated levels of this compound and certain cancers (prostate, breast, colorectal), as well as the development of tumors. These findings, however, are inconclusive. A U.S. Department of Agriculture survey found that at least one in five cows was being treated with rBGH. Organic cows are forbidden from receiving these hormones. Because there are other foods and factors that may raise levels of IGF-1 in humans—such as soy milk and meat—an increase in IGF-1 may not be directly traceable to conventional cow’s milk. And since the milk of cows treated with antibiotics is allegedly not extracted until after the animal goes through a withdrawal period, some researchers will say that even conventional milk contains no antibiotics or that the antibiotics used on conventionally raised cows will not increase resistance in humans. This idea is still being studied. The Takeaway: Look for labels that directly state their nonuse of BGH, rBGH, or rBST. Talk to representatives from trusted grocers, dairies, or farmers’ markets, who may know more about the practices at certain farms. Choose organic to avoid hormone and antibiotic addition altogether.   Fact: Organic = Better FlavorSome say that organic milk is slightly grassier in taste (no doubt due to the natural grazing) and creamier in texture. Flavors may differ among cows that are given different amounts of food concentrate or natural forage. Researchers speculate that, in non-blind studies, the idea of organic milk—the images it conjures of being safer, more environmentally friendly, and more humane—may influence tasters to choose it over conventional. Some blind taste tests show no obvious or extreme difference in taste when comparing organic to conventional. The Takeaway: Conduct your own blind taste test of local organic, pasture-raised versus conventional milks. Fact: Happy Cows = Guilt-Free DrinkingObviously, organic cows get more pasture time and aren’t subject to chemical pesticides, antibiotics, or hormones. Some third-party certifications on milk labels even specify the exact treatment conditions of animals. For example, in order to stamp on an Animal Welfare Approved label, animals must not be kept in isolation, calves should not be weaned before 12 weeks, any injured or sick animals must be treated immediately to minimize pain and distress, and homeopathic or herbal remedies are strongly encouraged. Label phrasing can be very misleading. Terms like “natural” or “naturally raised,” for example, simply mean that a product is made without artificial ingredients such as added colorings, not that the animal was treated humanely, healthfully, or raised outdoors. The label Grade A also holds little meaning when shopping for milk, since all dairy sold as milk must meet Grade A-level government requirements for sanitation. (Grade B is only allowed for manufactured dairy like cheese and butter.) The Takeaway: Know what is important to you about the milk you drink—be it animal treatment, nutrient content, food miles, or other factors—and shop accordingly. Educate yourself about milk carton labels. And remember: There is no better way to know what is happening on a farm than to reach out or visit it yourself. The article “Is Organic Milk Healthier? Finally, Some Answers” originally ran on