12 Eat-Right Rules That Work   Knowing that a lack of sleep has been linked to everything from heart attacks to obesity, University of Alabama at Birmingham researchers wanted to see if it could also be linked to an increase in stroke symptoms—like sudden weakness in half the body or being unable to speak or write. They asked 5,666 people over age 45 about their sleep habits, and then followed them for an average of two years. And the results surprised even the researchers, says study author Megan Ruiter, PhD, a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Alabama. People with healthy BMIs—between 18.5 and 24.9—who slept fewer than six hours a night increased their risk of having at least one stroke symptom by 4.5 times, even though there was no link in overweight or obese people.  10 Symptoms You Shouldn’t Ignore   “Sleep is very important for all around functioning,” says Dr. Ruiter, “so prolonged sleep loss may decrease immune system functioning, disrupt metabolic hormones, increase inflammation, and deregulate blood pressure.” All this leads to impaired endothelial cell dysfunction (the cells that line the inner surface of blood vessels), which ups the risk for stroke and other cardiovascular problems—even in otherwise healthy people. What’s more, the problem is growing, says Atul Malhotra, MD, medical director at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital Sleep Disorders Program. While 7 to 8 hours is optimal, people just don’t have that much time anymore. “We live in a 24/7 society now,” Dr. Malhotra explains. “People are sleeping less than they were 30 years ago.” Top 10 Sleep Myths—Busted   Ready to buck the trend? These tips from Dr. Malhotra can help:

Set a consistent bedtime. Make sleep a priority, not something that takes a hit when your schedule’s swamped.Dump your drink, snuff the smokes, and lose your latte. All these habits involve stimulants, which, well, stimulate you and affect your sleep.Banish the tube. Reserve the bedroom for sleep and sex. Period. Face the clock away from your bed. Watching minutes tick by only adds to stress.Exercise, but not too close to bedtime. Give yourself a chance to cool off before hitting the sheets.See your doctor. If you still can’t get a good night’s rest, your doc can recommend medication or other treatments.