[sidebar] Media Platforms Design TeamTHEN: Sunblock NOW: Sunscreen Sunblock. This word, once touted on labels, is out. “Block” implies total protection, but even SPF 100 falls just short, sidelining 99% of UV rays, says Mona Gohara, MD, a Yale-affiliated dermatologist. Sunscreen. A sun-protection product must now be sold as “sunscreen” instead. This label more accurately conveys what the ingredients do: absorb or reflect UV light. They don’t block it. Media Platforms Design TeamTHEN: SPF NOW: Broad Spectrum SPF SPF. To claim a sun protection factor, companies previously had to prove only that their products guarded against UVB light, the type of ray that causes skin to burn. Broad Spectrum SPF. Qualifying products can sport this label, indicating that they block UVB rays and a proportionate amount of UVA light, which can age skin and may lead to skin cancer. Media Platforms Design TeamTHEN: Waterproof NOW: Water-Resistant Waterproof. Some products used to be dubbed “waterproof,” but this gave the (false) impression that they would maintain their efficacy no matter how long the wearer was swimming or sweating. Water-Resistant. Items can be labeled only “water-resistant,” and companies must state the length of time that products remain effective after exposure to water or sweat (40 or 80 minutes, max). Media Platforms Design TeamSPF Numbers Broad spectrum SPF 30 is the minimum dermatologists recommend. While there is no limit on the numerical value of SPF, and there never was, the FDA is considering capping things at 50 plus. “Some experts believe that higher numbers, such as SPF 75, 90, and 100, give people a false sense of security,” says Dr. Gohara. “Others say the higher the better, even if the amount of added protection is small—since every bit counts.” (SPF 30, for example, deflects about 97% of UVB rays; SPF 50 filters out 98%.) More from Prevention: 7 Habits Of Highly Effective Skin Care