A new Greek study found that arteries relaxed immediately after a single glass of alcohol-free red wine almost as much as they did following a serving of the real thing–by 6.1 and 10.5%, respectively–in 15 people with atherosclerosis (arteries blocked by plaque).   Blood vessels need to stretch with each heartbeat or blood pressure rise, and this raises the risk of obstructed arteries, which lead to heart attack and stroke. Polyphenols may help nip that process in the bud, experts say. Find plentiful polyphenols in juice made from Concord grapes as well as in green, black, and oolong tea.

Pour No Wine Above the Line

    Here’s what 5 ounces looks like. Before you refill your glass of vino, consider this: We tend to pour at least an ounce more than the recommended 5 ounces for a single serving, finds a 310-person study from the University of California, San Francisco. These glasses all hold the proper amount.