There are phases of my life when I find myself doing this rapid fire eating. As I get older, I face a new frontier of stress. These days I’m facing serious illness with my parents. I’m finding that I rushing around as if moving fast will make them well. I’m grateful for the awareness and I bring myself back to meditation. This prompts me to eat in silence, and not in front of a newspaper, a computer, the television or while multi-tasking. Meals that are savored are far more satisfying. I love to take the time to linger and take in a delicious, nutritious meal - slowly, savoring and… breathing. Tips for slower meals? Breathe. Put the fork down between bites. Share a meal with someone in silence or engage in a conversation and look someone in the eye. Chew slowly and mindfully. Say a prayer of gratitude before the meal. Light a candle. Use the good plates. Use the clock as a tool. Set a timer - or look at the clock - and set a reasonable amount of time for the meal.. and don’t get out of the chair. Try it for 20 minutes to start and feel nourished and warmed by a calm, serene, slow meal.