Is Cervical Cancer Screening Effective? [NPR] If you’re between the ages of 21 and 65, you probably know the routine: Get a Pap test every three years to keep an eye on abnormalities that may signal cervical cancer. But those screening guidelines are being mishandled by doctors across the country, finds a new federal report. Too many women who aren’t advised to get Pap tests (such as those over the age of 65, or who’ve had hysterectomies) are still getting them, while others who might benefit from the screenings are not. Of course, whether or not to get a Pap test—and how often to do it—depends on plenty of factors. Seek a doctor’s input to make the best decision. (Take these vital steps to Get The Most Out Of Your Pap Test.)  The Sneaky Reason You’re Forgetful [Futurity] A foggy memory can have tons of culprits, from a bad night’s sleep to excess stress. But the next time you can’t find your car keys, consider whether menopause might be to blame. For decades, studies have suggested that menopause and memory loss might be linked, though experts wondered whether the phenomenon was real or imagined. Now, new research out of the University of Rochester Medical Center found that the cognitive deficits were a reality, and popped up in the first year following a woman’s final menstrual period. The good news? Expect your memory to improve as menopause ebbs. (Tackle another troublesome menopause symptom with .)  The Top 10 List You Don’t Want To Be On [ABC News] Feeling a little frazzled at work today? You might feel better after checking out the country’s 10 most stressful jobs, compiled by jobs site CareerCast in collaboration with researchers at the University of Wisconsin. A total of 11 criteria, including travel, deadlines, and competitiveness, were weighed in the assessment. The job most likely to stress you to the max? Working in the military. Airline pilots, firefighters, and police officers also made the cut, along with photojournalists and reporters. (Any job can be stressful if you’re not enjoying it. Find out How To Hate Your Job Less.)  Follow her on Twitter: @katiedrumm Send news tips and positive vibes to: