For a new study, published in JAMA Psychiatry, the researchers followed 203 women from 10 years before to eight years after their last cycle. With each passing year after their final period, fewer and fewer women reported serious depression symptoms. Scientists understand little about why depression develops to begin with, but these findings suggest reproductive hormones play a role for some women, says study author Ellen Freeman, PhD. As you age prior to menopause, your ovaries release a shifting brew of chemicals like follicle-stimulating hormone and estradiol, which could alter brain chemistry in a way that leads to symptoms such as sadness, fatigue, and the loss of interest in once-enjoyable activities. But these hormones tend to stabilize on the other side of the menopause transition, which may also level off your emotions. One important note: The end of periods brought the most relief to women who first felt depressed during menopause. “The findings support the concept that menopause represents a ‘window of vulnerability’ for some women,” Dr. Freeman says. “For women who have a history of depression, menopause will not mark a great change and depressive episodes are likely to continue.” Regardless of whether you feel sad for the first time or the 40th time, you don’t have to simply wait out your symptoms. Research shows exercise—specifically, three weekly aerobic workouts—eases depression around the time of menopause. And if your sadness grows severe enough to interfere with your life, talk with your doctor. Psychotherapy often helps, and a recent study from Virginia Commonwealth University found the antidepressant desvenlafaxine may work particularly well during perimenopause and menopause. Not sure if you’re depressed or just going through the blues? Take this short quiz to find out.