The research: The study team kept tabs on more than 70,000 people for 5 years, monitoring their diet and supplement habits, as well as their death rates from all causes and from various diseases. Compared to those who ate little or no fish and did not take omega-3 (or fish oil) supplements, people who ate fish roughly once a week or who popped a daily omega-3 pill enjoyed an 18% drop in their mortality risk. The same group also lowered their risk of cancer death by 23%.   What it means: The life-extending powers of omega-3 fatty acids likely come from the inflammation-fighting abilities of two distinct types—eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), explains study coauthor Griffith Bell, a cancer and epidemiology researcher at the University of Washington School of Public Health. There are dozens of scientific studies have linked chronic inflammation to heart disease, cancer, and a catalog of other life-threatening ailments. And by limiting the presence of some proteins in your blood, these two omega-3s shut off some of the immune system triggers that lead to out-of-control inflammation, Bell says.  The bottom line: You need omega-3s in your diet. And the best way to get it is to eat dark, cold-water fish like salmon or tuna, Bell says. Just a couple fish meals a month—not including fried white fish—contain enough of the good stuff to safeguard your health, he adds. If you’re not a fish fan, Bell’s research shows that taking a fish oil supplement containing EPA and DHA at least 4 days a week may also ward off an early death. (Before you head to the store, check out this research about omega-3 supplements to make sure you’re getting the best capsules for your buck.) More from Prevention:5 Ways To Reduce Inflammation In Your Body