Caesar also seemed to forget his housetraining. Washington would usher Caesar outside for his regular bathroom breaks, but he would wander aimlessly in the yard before returning inside to urinate on the floor in front of her.  “I knew something was wrong—Caesar never made messes in the house,” says Washington, who raised Caesar since he was an 8-week-old puppy. “I attributed his episodes to his just being old and having a weak bladder, but then I found out from my veterinarian that Caesar was experiencing memory loss.” Thanks to advances in commercial pet food and veterinary medicine, our dogs and cats are living longer. Surveys indicate that more than 18 million dogs are at least 7 years old. But with longevity can come the onset of age-related conditions, including cognitive dysfunction syndrome (CDS), the dog and cat version of Alzheimer’s disease or dementia that develops in elderly people. Fuzzy memories can affect any breed, but these symptoms occur more frequently in dogs over age 8 and cats over age 10.

What You’ll Notice

Pets with memory loss may exhibit one or more of the following symptoms: 

Disorientation and confusion. Does your pet wander aimlessly, get lost in the house, or stare at the walls?“Forgetting” himself—and you too. Does your pet seem to forget his name, walk away while you pet him, or stop greeting you when you come home?Sleeping difficulties. Is he waking in the middle of the night? Is he sleeping more during the day?Housetraining lapses. Does he urinate or have bowel movements in your home minutes after being outside?[pagebreak]

Unfortunately, CDS in many dogs and cats goes undiagnosed, because their owners just assume that old age, and not a medical condition, is what’s causing the unusual behavior. Even within a veterinary clinic, the condition is generally tricky to diagnose. Veterinarians must rely on a senior pet exam that includes performing blood and urine tests and taking a detailed behavioral history to rule out other possible medical conditions.

Help from a human drug

Until a few years ago, veterinarians lacked any medication to control the clinical signs of CDS and extend the quality of life in afflicted dogs. In late 1998, the FDA granted approval for Anipryl (selegiline hydrochloride), a medication that’s marketed by Pfizer. Wayne Hunthausen, DVM, a veterinarian in private practice in Westwood, KS, knows firsthand the benefits of Anipryl. His dog, Russell, participated in the medication’s pilot study. Russell, a 30-lb mixed breed, was 16 and suddenly forgetting how to climb stairs and walk through open doors. Within 2 weeks of being on Anipryl, Russell’s condition improved, and he became his playful self again. “Russell lived another 6 months after being on the medication, and I was extremely happy,” says Hunthausen. “I felt that we were able to enjoy 6 final months of a quality life together.” To test the effectiveness of Anipryl, 641 dogs ages 8 or older from 236 veterinary clinics across the US were recently studied. Owners were asked to evaluate their dog’s overall actions after being on the medication for 1 month and then 2 months. By day 60, 77% of owners reported improvement in their dogs, says Sharon Campbell, DVM, a veterinarian board certified in internal medicine, who manages research for Pfizer. Currently, there is no other approved medication to treat CDS in dogs. There is also no medication available that is specifically proven effective on cats with fading memories. But Gary Landsberg, DVM, a veterinarian and board-certified animal behaviorist from Thornill, Ontario, is conducting studies on how common CDS is in cats.[pagebreak] “It took a long time to identify this disease in dogs, and it may be some time before we have definitive answers on cats,” says Landsberg. “Though Anipryl is not licensed for use in cats, a number of veterinarians, including myself, have given the drug to them. It appears to be safe, and there seems to be some functional improvement in some cats. But it is still all anecdotal at this stage.” “In the past, the emphasis has been on making sure that puppies get all their necessary vaccinations, but both pet owners and veterinarians need to pay more attention to the needs of our senior pets,” says Susan L. Moon, DVM, a veterinarian in private practice in Memphis. She diagnosed Caesar with CDS and prescribed Anipryl. Today, Caesar is back to chaperoning Washington from room to room and has stopped having housetraining accidents inside the house. “He is much more alert and happily comes to me when I call his name,” she says. “Finally, I don’t have to be cleaning my rugs every day. He’s like a member of our family, and it’s good to have his old self back again.”

Anti-aging advice

You can’t stop the number of birthdays your pet has, but experts say you can take steps to keep your dog or cat feeling youthful even as they approach their senior years. Consult your veterinarian, and select the right commercial food that meets your pet’s nutritional and health needs. Remember that the diet may need to change as your pet ages. Also, be sure to schedule a geriatric exam when your dog turns 7 and your cat turns 8. Keep your older dog mentally stimulated by playing a game of hide and seek with food treats in various rooms of the house or playing a game of “go fetch the biscuit.” Toss a toy mouse, or encourage your older cat to play with a toy feather wand to hone her natural stalking skills.  Reinforce basic commands by having your dog “sit” before getting a treat or “come” when you are in one room and he is in another. Take your older dog for shorter but more frequent walks on smooth surfaces that aren’t jarring to his joints. Vary the route to expose him to new surroundings. More from Prevention: Is Your Pet Too Pudgy?