Got any rotten eggs lurking in the back of the fridge? Then you’re in luck: Hydrogen sulfide, the gas that gives expired eggs their distinctive reek, might proffer the same health benefits as antioxidants, according to a recent review.  Here’s the deal: Cells and their DNA become more damaged with age, says George Johnson, PhD, an associate professor in DNA damage and carcinogenesis at the Swansea University College of Medicine in Wales. The main culprit? Reactive oxygen, which can cause changes in DNA sequences, leading to cell death or abnormal cell growth (like what happens with cancer). That’s why you want a diet rich in antioxidants—they neutralize reactive oxygen so that it doesn’t cause damage. But hydrogen sulfide can have a similar effect, according to a Chinese review. “Hydrogen sulfide can soak up certain classes of free radicals, “ Johnson says. “It’s similar to resveratrol [the much-touted antioxidant in red wine]; it reduces oxidative stress and prevents unwanted cell death.” This means it has potential to prevent cancer and even heart disease, he says. Fortunately, we’re not telling you to fry up some funky eggs (actually, please don’t). Sulforaphane, found in Brussels sprouts, broccoli, and cauliflower, can also release a hefty quantity of hydrogen sulfide, the review notes. Which is the perfect excuse to try this easy, nutritious Brussels sprout recipe tonight.  Questions? Comments? Contact Prevention’s News Team!