The research: Researchers from Rush University Medical Center and Bellarmine University challenged 70 overweight men and women between the ages of 18 and 75 to meditate for as little as eight minutes a day for an average of eight weeks. Participants were trained how to meditate, and were instructed to then use meditation during times of stress, sadness, and boredom. The meditations involved a nonjudgmental self-assessment in which study participants would determine their emotions, and consciously establish a healthy reaction to whatever was going on at the time. For example, if someone was under a tight deadline at work, she would acknowledge that she’s stressed, identify what exactly is stressing her, and then determine to work through it to finish the task on time—without hitting the vending machine.  Eventually these approaches trickled into their eating habits. When participants felt an automatic need to indulge, they became increasingly mindful of the emotions taking hold—emotions having nothing to do with hunger—and were then able to control their desire to binge by making a healthier choice. You’d think this meant weight loss as well, but only a small number of people saw a decrease in weight. “Perhaps a combination of behavioral strategies [such as minding portion sizes and not eating late at night] with some mindfulness training may yield more positive effects for weight loss,” says study co-author Shawn N. Katterman, PhD, of Rush University Medical Center. What it means: Dr. Katterman says our bodies respond to stress with cravings of high-fat and high-sugar foods—which clearly aren’t healthy remedies. That’s why self-control is crucial, she says. We need to understand our weaknesses in order to form healthy responses to our inclinations, and the only way to do that is through mindfulness, says Dr. Katterman.  The bottom line: Practicing meditation can help you learn how your emotions influence your cravings (you can find a meditiation style to match your personality here), evaluate your behavior, and figure out what triggers it. Once you start to understand what’s really behind your cravings, you’ll be better able to change your behavior.  More from Prevention:3 Weird New Ways to Meditate