We know such endeavors are easier said than done though, and from finances to fears about your fitness level, there are a lot of factors that could potentially hold you back. It’s possible to get over those roadblocks though. Here’s how to do it: Am I fit enough?Fit for Trips Even if you’re in solid shape, it’s totally normal to wonder whether you’ve got the strength and stamina necessary for a physically demanding trip. But you can build your physical confidence pretty easily, starting with two days of strength training per week and three days of cardio. One of those cardio sessions should be a longer workout of the same activity type as your planned adventure (hiking, biking, kayaking, etc); aim to build up to a three-hour session, says Marcus Shapiro, personal trainer and owner of , an online-based training program. He also recommends finding a local club that fits your activity. Sign up to go out with them for a mini-adventure (a few hours to a half-day), or take a one-on-one lesson from an expert to really get comfortable with the activity. Next, look for a multi-day trip in your state. From there, reach out to travel companies and tour operators to find the bigger adventure of your dreams. MORE: 5 Essential Strength-Training Moves Every Woman Needs What if I’m too old? You’re not. “For healthy, active people with open minds, age is not a barrier to adventure travel,” says Trevor Saxty, president of adventure travel company Explore! North America. His groups draw participants from their teens into their 70’s. (Most seniors are signing up for cultural or wildlife viewing trips.) Plus, because different trips may naturally appeal to different ages, it’s unlikely you’ll be surrounded by 20-somethings. I want to go but I’m too busy to train If you’re motivated but short on time, pare down your usual weekly workouts to exercise that applies to your adventure. So if you’re planning a cycling vacation, skip your weekly run in favor of Spinning and long bike rides. And look for little opportunities to fit in activity throughout the day—taking the stairs or doing squats and lunges on your lunch break (or in your office if it’s private enough) can make a huge difference towards getting you where you need to be physically, says Shapiro. (Check out these 25 ways to squeeze in 10 minutes of activity for ideas.) These types of trips sound pricey and I’m not made of money!Explore!Trekamerica.comREI Adventures Good news: You don’t have to be. Instead of booking a solo trip to Machu Picchu (which could seriously break the bank), seek out a company that organizes travel adventures. “Small group trips allow you to share the fixed costs between several participants, which saves you money,” says Saxty. Look for a trip that focuses on the experience rather than the accommodations, so you don’t pay luxury hotel prices when all you really want is a clean place to sleep your head at night, he says. For example, a four-day coast-to-coast cycling adventure in England starts from $510 with Or, an 8-day hike on the Moorish Trails in Spain starts from $870. And consider going earlier or later in the year during off-peak travel times (which depend on where you’re going) or seeking out US-based adventures to cut down on expensive overseas air travel. Find those through or look for weekend getaways through . I don’t want to go solo So your spouse isn’t that interested in a kayak trip. Or your friends aren’t into hiking the Appalachian this summer. That’s the benefit of joining up with a travel group—you can go it “solo” without actually traveling alone. “About half of our groups, which usually range from of 10 to 16 people, are made up of solo travelers,” says Saxty. “When people come on our trips solo, they realize that everyone’s in the same boat, fulfilling dreams, and pushing themselves out of their comfort zone,” adds Anne Wood, Europe Program Director at adventure travel company Mountain Travel Sobek. She’s seen many people develop great and lasting friendships on these trips—many they even hold reunions. MORE: 50 Things You Must Do This Summer I’ve got an old injury There’s a good chance you can still go even with a pre-existing injury. First, get the okay from your doctor. If you went to physical therapy to rehab the injury (like after knee surgery), Shapiro often tells his clients to restart the physical therapy exercises that you learned during recovery. And ask the trip organizers if they’ve ever had participants with your particular injury to gauge how doable it is (they may also have good tips on how past participants dealt with it). It’s also a good idea to contact a physical trainer—either in person or online—who can help you train for the trip while giving you guidelines on exercises you can do to increase strength and stability without aggravating your old injury. Now who’s ready to book?