Your Sleek-Abs Plan MONDAY—Strength RoutineTUESDAY—Cardio: 30-45 minWEDNESDAY—RestTHURSDAY—Strength Routine, Cardio: 30-45 minFRIDAY—Cardio: Interval PlanSATURDAY—Strength Routine, Cardio: 30-45 minSUNDAY—Cardio: 30-45 min This routine is designed for all fitness levels, so you’ll get results whether you’re just starting out or are a regular gym-goer. It includes a combination of belly-shrinking toning moves plus fat-melting cardio. Do the strength moves 3 (nonconsecutive) days a week and cardio (including 1 interval workout) 5 days. [header=Part 1: Tummy-Toning Strength Moves] PART 1: Tummy-Toning Strength Moves The Plan: Do the moves in the order given; it’ll take about 15 minutes. Finish with the full-body stretches to help lengthen your muscles and keep your spine strong and muscles limber. Whatever your fitness level, start with the basic moves during at least the first couple of workouts. When you feel comfortable, switch to the challenge version. How Often: 3 times a week What You’ll Need: A stability ball and small playground ball (available at

  1. TILTED FROG Media Platforms Design Team

Step 1. Lie faceup on mat, hands behind head, elbows bent out to sides. Bend knees, crossing feet at ankles, and lift legs over hips. Tilt pelvis up and lift head and shoulders off mat.Step 2. Lower head and hips while extending legs. Repeat, raising head and lifting hips. Do 10 reps with right leg on top, then recross and do 10 reps with left leg on top.Challenge Phase: Do 15 to 20 reps per side.   2. DOUBLE-LEG STRETCHMedia Platforms Design Team

Step 1. Lie faceup on mat, bringing knees toward chest. Drawing abs in tight, lift head and shoulders off mat, resting hands by knees.Step 2. Inhale, extending arms, biceps by ears, while extending legs 45 degrees from mat. Exhaling, sweep arms around sides and forward while drawing knees back toward chest, ending with hands by knees. Repeat. Do 10 to 15 reps.Challenge Phase: Instead of sweeping arms to sides, hold a stability ball and lower it toward knees as you bend legs.  [header=3. Side-Line Hip Lift] 3. SIDE-LINE HIP LIFT Media Platforms Design Team

Step 1. Lie on right side, knees bent, right elbow under shoulder with forearm forward, forming straight line from shoulders to hips.Step 2. Lift hips, bringing left leg to hip height. Lower and repeat. Do 10 reps; on final rep, hold and do 20 small pulses. Switch sides; repeat.Challenge Phase: Keep top leg straight throughout the exercise.   4. CLAMSHELLMedia Platforms Design Team

  Step 1. Lie on right side, head resting on right upper arm. Bend knees in front of hips, legs stacked, and place left hand on left hip.Step 2. Keeping right leg on mat, lift left knee, keeping feet together and hips square. Lower and repeat; do 10 to 15 reps. Switch sides and repeat.Challenge Phase: Do 15 to 20 reps per side.  [header=5. Ball Toss] 5. BALL TOSS Media Platforms Design Team Step 1. Lie faceup with a small ball between ankles, knees bent and feet lifted. Extend arms above head. Bring legs toward chest while lifting head and arms to grab ball.Step 2. Lower legs while bringing arms past head. Repeat, placing ball between legs. Do 10 to 15 reps.Challenge Phase: Keep legs straight throughout the exercise.    6. SIDE PLANK Media Platforms Design Team Kneel with right hand on mat, aligned under right shoulder, with fingers pointing right. Straighten left leg, placing toes on mat. Extend left arm directly above shoulder, keeping hips lifted and head in line with spine. Hold here for 30 to 60 seconds. Switch sides and repeat.Challenge Phase: Do the move as above, but extend both legs and stack feet. pressing into side of bottom foot, lift hips, forming a straight line from head to heels. For an even greater challenge, lift top leg. Hold for 30 to 60 seconds, then repeat on opposite side. [header=7. Roll-Up] 7. ROLL-UP Media Platforms Design Team Step 1. Lie faceup on mat, legs straight and arms extended above head, next to ears.Step 2. Bring arms forward, point chin down, and slowly curl upper body up, reaching hands to toes. Slowly reverse direction, bringing upper body back down to mat one vertebra at a time. Do 8 to 10 reps.Challenge Phase: Place a soft playground ball under ankles.   8. SINGLE-LEG STRETCHMedia Platforms Design Team

  Step 1. Lie faceup on mat with knees over hips. Extend right leg about 45 degrees from mat. Draw in abdominals and lift head, chest, and shoulders, resting left palm by left shin and right palm by left knee.Step 2. Keeping head lifted, switch legs, bringing right leg toward chest and extending left leg; rest right palm by right shin and left palm by right knee. Continue for 10 reps per side.Challenge Phase: Increase to 20 reps per side. [header=9. Swimmer] 9. SWIMMER              Lie facedown on mat, hands near sides with elbows bent and legs extended. Lift chest off mat, keeping arms bent. Lift and lower right leg, then left, moving from hips (not knees). Continue, alternating legs, for 20 reps.Challenge Phase: Extend arms to shoulder height in front of you, palms facing down. As each leg lifts, raise opposite arm. Do 10 reps per side. To increase the challenge further, bring right arm toward right hip and bend torso to right as legs flutter; return to center and repeat. Do 10 reps; switch sides.FINAL STRETCHFinish your workout with these three full-body stretches to improve your posture and reduce injury risk. (Hold stretches 2 and 3 for 30 seconds.)Media Platforms Design Team1. CAT BALL STRETCHStand with palms on top of stability ball. Reach forward, dropping chin while rounding spine; keep abs drawn in. Pause; repeat 3 times.

  1. SPINE STRETCH Lie faceup with upper body over ball, knees bent. Extend arms over head, feeling the stretch in chest and back.  

Media Platforms Design Team3. HAMSTRING STRETCHLie faceup on mat, extending left leg up. Lay towel over instep and gently pull leg toward you; keep pelvis neutral. Repeat with right leg.     [header=Part 2: Cardio Conditioning] Media Platforms Design TeamPART 2: Cardio Conditioning All the tummy toning in the world won’t make a difference if your belly is hidden below a layer of fat. To maximize results, you also need cardio—at least 30 minutes, 5 days a week. Choose activities like walking briskly, swimming laps, playing tennis, or following a workout DVD (find our top workout DVD picks here). Make at least one sweat session an interval workout, proven to burn more fat in less time while continuing to torch extra calories postexercise. Try our sample routine below, perfect for walking, running, or using a cardio machine. Your Belly Melt Interval Workout

Repeat the intensity increase/recovery/cardio burst in order a total of 4 times; for the cardio bursts, alternate between walking lunges, jumping jacks, and body-weight squats. More from Prevention: The Ultimate Fat-Blasting Water Workout