New research may explain why: Teens who voluntarily restricted their caloric intake had more activation in the reward centers of their brains after drinking a chocolate milkshake (and even looking at photos of tasty food), when compared to people who were less restrictive, according to a study published in NeuroImage. What’s more, the longer they had gone since their last meal, the more the reward center was activated. “The longer you restrict your calories, the more you struggle with temptation,” says Eric Stice, PhD, researcher at Oregon Research Institute, and author of the study. “And this makes you especially vulnerable to high-calorie foods.”  It makes sense: If you just ate a full meal and you’re walking around the mall, you probably won’t notice the smell of cinnamon rolls or food court pizza. “But when you’re deprived, your brain says, ‘we need calories.’ So the reward regions fire up at the sight of the food, making it more difficult to resist.” And, as demonstrated by the milkshake study, it’s also more satisfying as you’re eating it. Mmm.  Luckily, you can outsmart your brain (and drop pounds) in two steps: 1.) Start eating healthier foods Yes, when you’re full, you’re less likely to be tempted. But this doesn’t mean you should fill up on pizza and Pepsi. “The more you eat junk food, the more you crave it,” says Stice. “But once you’re used to eating healthy food, you’ll become just as excited about an arugula salad as you once were over a cheeseburger.” The key is sticking it out: “It takes your body about a month to adjust.”  2.) Prioritize your goals…And put junk food at the very bottom. “Remind yourself of your long-term goals, over the instant fix from food,” says Stice. Eating healthy means you’ll live long enough to see your daughter get married, your grandson graduate college, and to buy your dream retirement home.  It really works: “Brain scans have shown that reminding yourself of your long-term goals deactivates this reward response,” says Stice. So the next time you’re deciding between a sugar-free iced green tea and a Frappuccino, think of your desire to get fit and live longer; it will quiet the part of your brain screaming sugar!