With that said, going gluten-free can be pretty hard, especially when we take into consideration the common pantry favorites that are no longer an option. Erin Scott, author of Yummy Supper (based on Scott’s award-winning blog of the same name) says that it doesn’t have to be. In fact, Scott, who is a gluten-free omnivore herself, slams the notion that living without wheat means your diet is limited. “The world is crowded with a myriad of wonderful ingredients that happen to be naturally gluten-free,” she writes in her book. More from Fitbie: 8 Vegan-Friendly Foods Packed With Protein Looking for some help when it comes to sticking to a gluten-free diet? Check out Scott’s 6 simple tips for living gluten-free, adapted from Yummy Supper:

  1. Cook at home. According to Scott, it’s the safest way to be gluten-free. Her tips? Having a well-stocked pantry of quality basics, which will allow you to make countless recipes without much fuss. Do yourself a favor and keep a continuous seasonal flow of fruits and veggies in your kitchen, which will lends depth, richness, and variety to your meals.
  2. Check your labels. Become an expert on the items you can and can’t eat. Sure, it sounds daunting at first, but it’s critical to know what we’re putting into our bodies.
  3. Eat whole foods as often as possible. Scott suggests looking for foods that are “simple, pure, and honest.” What’s that mean? Try to avoid buying products that are heavily processed or listing unidentifiable and unappetizing scientific names.
  4. Don’t fall for tempting “gluten-free” marketing. These days, “gluten-free” products are plaguing shelves at supermarkets. The problem with a lot of those items is that they’re chock-full with empty, processed calories. Your goal should be to cook with mostly whole foods, making small exceptions for gluten-free products that make life easier. More from Fitbie: 6 Smart Tips to Living Gluten-Free on a Budget
  5. Shop bulk bins with caution. Local health food markets are all about selling things in bulk. Scott warns: Be wary. “If you have celiac disease or severe gluten sensitivity, this is an area of the store you will probably want to avoid,” she says. “Cross contamination is an undeniable risk in bulk bins.”
  6. Don’t be shy. It’s okay to be vocal at your grocery store, Scott says. Politely requesting specific ingredients and brands you want is totally fine, and the worst thing that they can do is say no. Her other suggestion? Contact manufacturers or check their Web sites to make sure something is truly gluten-free. “I sent countless e-mails to producers when I was first diagnosed with celiac disease to be certain that the products I bought were safe for me,” Scott says. “We can all help in educating our own communities on how to live a healthful, wholesome, and abundant gluten-free life.” More from Fitbie:  Your Guide to Summer Blueberries This article was provided by our partners at Fitbie.com.