According to researchers from the University of Surrey, there are two types of perfectionists—adaptive and maladaptive. The first describes what you already know about perfectionism, those driven by a desire for success complete with high levels of organization and personal standards. Maladaptive perfectionists, on the other hand, are driven by an intense fear of failure. After putting 370 participants through a slew of questions about perfectionist behaviors, sharing personal information, life satisfaction, well being, and healthy habits, researchers found airing on the side of maladaptive perfectionism can have some potentially serious health implications. Beyond experiencing psychological distress, maladaptive perfectionists are predisposed to partake in a damaging practice called self-concealment. “These types of perfectionists like to present a flawless image void of imperfections, so they conceal any personal information that may put them in a negative light,” explains Charlotte Williams, PhD, lead researcher on the study. And that tendency goes for friends, family, and—most questionably—doctors. Self-concealment on its own can intensify and prolong feelings of stress and burden in a person (which have their own consequences). But mainly, self-concealers strive for perfection at all costs, often using the excuse of being too busy to go to a doctor or avoid working out at a gym or a fitness class for fear of being judged or embarrassed. More from Prevention: The Problem With Being a Diet Perfectionist Perfectionism isn’t all bad. Aiming for high standards, conscientiousness, and organizational skills are often considered gold-standard traits in the eyes of employers. “It may be possible that we all possess some of these qualities to a greater or lesser extent,” says Williams. “It becomes too much, however, when it starts to interfere with an individual’s health and well-being.” According to the results, maladaptive behavior may present itself as a risk factor for long-term physical and psychological problems. “Perhaps the key is about awareness, to recognize when we are pushing ourselves too hard,” says Williams. If you suspect you or someone you know is more maladaptive than adaptive, know this: doctors aren’t there to judge, they’re there to help—confidentially. Keeping it in, whether it be feelings of sadness or a strange lump you found, is never the answer. More from Prevention: The Blessing of Imperfection