The vending machine has probably become Darth Vader in this scenario. A whopping 98% of high schools have vending machines “or other venues that offer sweetened drinks or snacks,” according to the Center for Science in the Public Interest, a nutrition advocacy group. Not exactly the makings of a lunch of champions. One Mississippi school even took matters into its own hands, kicking to the curb, literally, the soft drink and snack machines as it watched its student population soar in terms of obesity, diabetes, and high blood pressure. One 5th grader there had even passed the 135-pound mark. But the government is paying attention and this summer the Agriculture Department effectively banned the sale of sugary snack foods and drinks which will make it harder for students to avoid healthier options in the cafeteria line by running to the machines. Machines stocking healthier fare, however, like granola and whole wheat crackers, won’t be in place until the fall of 2014. Now, when it comes to what’s actually being served in the cafeteria line, the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 does require public schools to follow new nutritional guidelines that emphasize more fruits and vegetables, less chicken nuggets and tater tots. But there are still complaints from some students saying that making the foods healthier hasn’t made them tastier. In fact, one enterprising 4th grader in New York City supplied some stealth video footage last spring of what were supposed to be healthier lunches. One day the “marinated tomato salad” featured a leaf or two of lettuce, sans tomatoes marinated or otherwise. And “cheesy lasagna rolls with tomato basil sauce, roasted spinach with garlic and herbs” was translated into a plastic-wrapped grilled cheese sandwich. So let’s just say there are still kinks in the system when comes to making sure your kids get the most nutritious and, not to forget, flavorful meals and snacks. To that end, hauling out the lunch box and packing it with a few of our lunches and snacks is the best way for you to control the food your child eats during the day. That way, you know lunch will be a meal you can trust.  More from Prevention: 10 Healthy Kids Snacks