The study team compiled roughly 15 years of data on more than 10,000 women in their 50s and early 60s. Those who consumed a Mediterranean-style diet heavy on fish, nuts, and vegetables were 46% more likely to reach age 70 free of chronic disease or life-changing mental or physical impairments compared to women who didn’t follow this type of diet. Rates of heart disease, diabetes, breast cancer, and cognitive disorders like dementia all plummeted among the Mediterranean dieters.  The diet’s preventive powers likely lie in its ability to fight inflammation. From depression to arthritis to fatigue, out-of-control inflammation is your body’s worst enemy. But the healthy fats, oils, and antioxidant compounds present in a Mediterranean-style diet appear to block inflammation and oxidative stress—and so ward off those conditions’ attendant maladies, explains study coauthor Cécilia Samieri, PhD, of the Université Bordeaux Segalen.  What are the keys to a healthy, Mediterranean-style meal plan? Lots of vegetables, whole grains, nuts, legumes, omega-3s from fish and olive oil, and not too much red or processed meat, the study authors say. A little alcohol—say, a glass of wine a few days a week—also seems to be a good addition to your diet, the research shows. Need ideas? Click here for 334 Mediterranean diet–friendly recipes. More from Prevention: The Diet That Shields You From Stroke