Yoga nidra is “a deep meditative state where the mind is conscious of its surroundings, but yet the body appears to be in sleep-like state,” says Judi Bar, the lead yoga therapist at Cleveland Clinic. While you lie still in corpse pose, an instructor guides you through series of mental exercises and visualizations, such as being aware of your breath, setting an intention, and relaxing your body one part at a time. “These are all different ways to quiet the mind and bring us down slower and slower and slower to that ultimate place of peace,” Bar says. Researchers in India studied the practice in 150 women who had a range of period problems, including cramps, irregular or heavy bleeding, and spotting. All of the women received medication, including synthetic hormones and other commonly used therapies. Half also practiced yoga nidra for 35 to 40 minutes, five times per week. After six months, hormone profiles showed women who did yoga nidra had lower levels of follicle stimulating hormone, luteinizing hormone, and prolactin than those who didn’t. These lower levels could eventually ease menstrual symptoms, the study authors note, although that wasn’t specifically measured in the study. The findings fit with what’s already known about yoga nidra, says Nick Kardaras, PhD, clinical director of The Dunes in East Hampton and a professor at Stony Brook University who’s also researched the practice. “It’s been shown to reduce tension and the autonomic symptoms of anxiety, such as heart racing, sweating, headaches, and nervousness,” he says. This relaxation response lowers levels of the stress hormone cortisol, which in turn promotes a better balance of hormones overall. The new study—which helps demonstrate this effect—is a step forward in understanding yoga nidra’s effects on the endocrine system, Bar says. Unlike some other forms of meditation, yoga nidra must be guided, so it’s tough to do on your own. Some studios offer stand-alone sessions, while others incorporate it into another type of yoga class, Bar says—so you may have to call those in your area to ask if yoga nidra is part of the practice. Or, you can ask a trusted instructor to recommend a CD or mp3 track you can use at home, she advises.