Okay, so that’s not surprising. But maybe this is: When it comes to some of the most commonly diagnosed health conditions in the U.S.—heart disease, diabetes, lung cancer—Wikipedia’s entries contain many errors, concludes a new study in the The Journal of the American Osteopathic Association.   Probably more shocking: “Most physicians use Wikipedia from time to time,” says lead study author Robert Hasty, DO, of Campbell University in North Carolina. “Physicians are taught not to use the site, but they still do."   While most of the errors Hasty and his colleagues turned up had to do with health statistics, there were some Wikipedia assertions related to diagnosing diseases or identifying emergency situations that, if followed, could have negative consequences, he says. One example: National health guidelines require doctors to collect blood pressure readings from patients on two separate office visits before making a diagnosis of hypertension. At the time of the study, Wikipedia’s article asserted that three readings were required—an error that could lead to a dangerous delay in treatment, says Hasty. Wikipedia’s entries also featured details on diagnosing diabetes or blood pressure emergencies that didn’t align with national standards of practice, he says. That’s not to say Wikipedia is bogus. The site’s health entries are often edited by physicians or people with a medical background, Hasty says. “And most of what we saw was pretty accurate.” But if the site’s entries on common, oft-scrutinized conditions like hypertension and diabetes contain errors, it’s possible that Wikipedia’s articles on less-common medical conditions could be even more flawed. “I would guess that the smaller conditions are less-rigorously edited,” Hasty says.   The big takeaway: “Don’t use Wikipedia to be your guidance on medical decisions,” Hasty warns. Instead, talk to your doctor if you’re worried about your health, he advises. (While your doc may peek at Wikipedia from time to time, he or she has the training necessary to spot inaccuracies.)  If you feel compelled to go searching for medical information online, stick to those sites run by national health agencies like the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention or the Department of Health and Human Services, Hasty recommends.  This article first ran on Menshealth.com.  More: What Your Shoes Say About You